
The Telegram support bot is written in Golang

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Fast and simple Telegram Support Bot 🤖. It will help to connect the user and the support agent quickly and conveniently


  • All message types are forwarded
  • Message replies work
  • Editing text/caption work
  • Full message editing in queue work
  • Adding/Removing support agents by a special command
  • List of all support agents
  • Post a support request in a separate chat
  • Multilingualism and the ability to easily add your own language
  • Error logging

Admin Commands:

Command Description
set_group Set a group to receive notifications there
add_support Gives the user agent rights
del_support Removes agent rights from the user
get_supports Gets the current list of agents

Agent Commands:

Command Description
break Stop current conversation with user

User Commands:

Command Description
start Get start message
get_id Corresponds to your user ID

How Bot Works:

  1. Your client send question to your bot
  2. The bot sends a notification request to your group or admin PM
  3. Admin or Agents can confirm or decline appeal
  4. If the appeal is declined, the user will receive a special message
  5. If the request is confirmed, the user and the agent are connected to the joint chat

Support Languages:

  • Ukrainian
  • English

If you want to add another language, copy any relevant language, translate it and name the directory with your language and country code. For example: uk-UA


  • Docker (or golang)
  • Docker-Compose (or golang)
  • Makefile


  1. Clone this repository git clone https://github.com/samarets/support-bot.git
  2. Create .env file cp .env.example .env
  3. Paste your Bot Token and User ID to .env. Set default language
  4. Run Bot:
    • With Docker: make build
    • Local with Go:
      • go mod download
      • go run cmd/bot/main.go


Example Bot Image


Any contributions are welcome, also if there are problems in the process, then create an issue