
boilerplate for creating a react component library/npm package with typescript

Primary LanguageHTML


boilerplate for creating a react component library/npm package with typescript


Built with yarn 1.22.17 and node v14.17.3

|- lib/  //build output
|- src/  //library code
|- test/  //create-react-app where components can be viewed/tested

Getting Started

  • yarn install Installs dependencies in both library and create-react-app test/ directory
  • yarn build Builds library into lib directory
  • yarn start Starts the create-react-app test application
  • yarn publish Runs a build then publishes library to npm (Will need to npm login first)

Other Information

In src/ there is a simple Demo Component. Any component you wish to test will need to be imported in the package.json of the create-react-app (test) directory. It is advised to use the local link:.. syntax (as done with the Demo Component) instead of publishing and pulling the library down from npm each time.

You will need to build the library (yarn build) in order for the create-react-app to pickup changes to components.