Lush Green Gardens

Welcome to Lush Green Gardens. This project came about after many frustrating interactions with people who judge coders based on contribution graphs. The contribution graph on Github is ridiculously useless and to quote Sasha Romijn, "Any mechanism in our community that motivates people to avoid taking breaks and avoid stepping back, can be harmful to the well-being of contributors and is thereby harmful to open source as a whole."

Therefore this project is a quick exercise in proving the uselessness of the contribution graph as a method of gauging a developers talent. To prove the point, I will write a script to spoof the graph by spelling letters in the graph.

How it works

LushGreenGardens runs a script that writes words to file and then creates the necessary number of commits for each day in order to draw the letters on the graph. The fonts file indicates how the colors are created in the graph. In the green_gardens file you can change the number of commits to match your daily contribution level.