Write Away

Write Away is a micro-journaling app that imposes a maximum character count as a low-commitment alternative to typical blogging services

Background and Overview

Many people like the idea of keeping a journal, but find the actual act of writing consistently everyday to be a daunting or time-consuming endeavor that can be difficult to integrate with their other responsibilities. Write Away is a private micro-journal that enforces a maximum character limit to encourage a regular, but low-commitment approach to journaling.

MVPs and Functionality


  • User authentication & demo login
  • Posts
  • Reminders
  • Tags
  • Photos
  • Graphs


  • User Authentication
    • Journal entries are secured by user accounts.
  • Posts
    • Posts are limited to a maximum of 500 characters each and one post per day.
    • Posts may be updated or deleted.
    • User can filter their post history by: all posts on the same date, all posts on the same day of the month, etc.
  • Reminders
    • App will text user a reminder to post every day.
    • User can reply to text reminder to submit a post.
    • User can set custom reminder messages and times.
  • Tags
    • User can tag posts with keywords.
    • User can filter their posts by tag.
  • Photos
    • User can optionally attach a single photo to each of their journal entries.
  • Graphs
    • Graphs will provide further information about user's journaling behavior, e.g., time of day, length of time spent writing, geolocation, emoji mood graph, etc.

Bonus Features

  • User can attach a short audio file to their journal entries.
  • Speech-to-text transcription of audio files.
  • Gamification elements: Github-style commit squares to motivate user to maintain posting streak; motivational messages.

Technologies and Technical Challenges

Python/Django backend + PostgreSQL database + JavaScript/React/Redux frontend Possible Twilio API for text message reminders

Technical Challenges

  • Setting up Django
  • Learning how to use PostgreSQL with Django
  • Understanding how to make models, controllers, and views in Django
  • Connecting Django with React/Redux
  • Using D3.js or Chart.js to make charts for the post data
  • Integrating Twilio API for text message reminders

Group Members and Work Breakdown

Rewel Garcia, David Harris, and Alexina Chong

Weekend 1

  • Set up Python3 and Django locally (ALL)
  • Learn Python (ALL)
  • Begin learning Django (ALL)
  • Begin implementing user authentication (David & Rewel)
  • Finalize proposal (Alexina)


  • Work on first draft of wireframes (Alexina)
  • Set up database (David & Rewel)
  • Finish implementing user authentication (David & Rewel)
  • Work on posts (ALL)
  • Make a model, view, and template for posts (David & Rewel)
    • Model: message, user_id
    • Views: (David & Rewel)
      • Index of posts
      • Create post
      • Update post
      • Show post
      • Delete post
    • Templates: (Alexina)
      • 'Create post' button should disappear if a post has already been created that day.
      • User should be able to add entries for any missed days.
  • Work on homepage design (Alexina)


  • Finish implementing posts
  • Work on reminders (ALL)
  • Make a model, view, and template for reminders (Rewel)
    • Model: date, time, frequency, message
    • Views: (Rewel)
      • Index of reminders
      • Create reminder
      • Update reminder
      • Show reminder
      • Delete reminder
    • Templates: (Alexina)
      • User may have multiple reminders with custom messages and frequencies.
      • Implement recurring event date/time picker (similar to Google calendar reminders).
    • Integrate Twilio API for text message reminders (Rewel)


  • Work on tags (ALL)
  • Make a model, view, and template for tags (ALL)
    • Model: message, post_id, user_id
    • Views: (ALL)
      • Index of tags
      • Create tag
      • Update tag
      • Show tag (all posts tagged with that tag)
      • Delete tag
    • Templates: (Alexina)
      • A post may have many associated tags.
      • A tag may be assigned to multiple posts.
      • Tags are searchable. (Implement dynamic search.)
    • Finalize overall site design (Alexina)


  • Work on photos (ALL)
  • Make a model, view, and template for photos (David)
    • Model: photo_url, post_id, user_id
    • Views: (David)
      • Index of photos
      • Create photo
      • Show photo (modal)
      • Delete photo
    • Templates: (David & Alexina)
      • Ability to attach a photo to a post.
      • 'Upload photo' button should disappear if a photo has already been attached to that post.
  • Set up Cloudinary/AWS to store photos. (David)


  • Work on graphs (ALL)
  • Implement using D3.js or Chart.js. (David & Alexina)
  • Graphs should show different aspects of journaling behavior, such as:
    • Time of day
    • Length of time spent writing
    • Geolocation?
    • Emoji mood graph

Weekend 2

  • Finish styling (ALL)
  • Make demo user account
  • Populate seed data