
A rate limiter for Adonis JS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Adonis Throttle

A rate limiter for Adonis 4.1

npm version npm


For AdonisJS below version 4.1, you need install 2.0.x

To get the latest version of Adonis Throttle, simply run

npm install adonis-throttle --save

Once Adonis Throttle is installed, you need to register the service provider. Open up bootstrap/app.js and add the following to the providers key.

// start/app.js 
const providers = [

You can register the Throttle facade in the aliases key of your bootstrap/app.js file if you like.

// start/app.js 
const aliases = {
  Throttle: 'Adonis/Addons/Throttle'

Enable the throttle middleware inside start/kernel.js file.

// start/kernel.js 

const namedMiddleware = {
  throttle: 'Adonis/Middleware/Throttle'



Use the throttle middleware to limit request for a given route.

// Default Throttle 60 request per minute

The following example throttle request be limiting the number of login attempts for 10 requests every 120 seconds.


Throttle 10 request per minute


If the subject exceeds the maximum number of requests, it will return Too Many Attempts. with status code of 429. By default we are extending the decay of the throttle by 5 seconds, for each request the subject after he exceeds the maximum number of requests.


You can also use Throttle from inside your controllers or anywere else.

const Throttle = use('Throttle')

class TestController {
		const currentUser = request.auth.getCurrentUser()
		// Limit for a specific user
		if (!Throttle.attempt()){
			return response.send('stop!')
