Python Excercise

The program contains 5 part. The detail is given below

Chapter 0

This chapter is designed to give the learner motivation, future path of computer programming. Currently, some link about programming jokes video is given.

Chapter 1

Practice makes perfect. A lot of simple and fun excercise is inside this chapter. The learner just getting started with Python so just give them how to implement things, algorithm, problem solving, ...

For each excercise, 3 files is given:

  • a main file, contain the requirement, expectation of the excercise, the learner will put their answer here
  • a test file: contain some unit test to assess the answer
  • an example: to avoid stuck for the learner, a simple answer is put here (DISCLAIMER: the answer is just a answer, it may not optimize, not best one, just an example, don't blame the author)

Chapter 2, 3

(Did I implement these?)