
Simple CDN-like proxy for images with resizing capabilities

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Imageproxy is a simple CDN-like proxy service for images with the possibility to resize images on the fly.


  • Caching proxy for images
  • Resize images via url parameters
  • Convert images to WebP if the browser supports that format


  • Install Imageproxy on your server
  • Configure Imageproxy via the .env file: you have to at least set the IMAGE_SOURCE variable which should point to the base url of your images on the upstream server
  • Replace image urls in your application with the proxy urls


Now do the following replacement for images in your app's HTML

<img src="/media/products/image.jpg"/>


<img src="https://imageproxy.example/images/products/image.jpg"/>

To resize the image on the fly to 200px width, use

<img src="https://imageproxy.example/images/products/image.jpg/200"/>


Imageproxy is configured via environment variables (like any other Laravel app). The following variables are available:

Variable Description Default
IMAGE_SOURCE The base url of the images on the upstream server ``
IMAGE_MAX_SIZE The maximum size of the in pixels 2000
IMAGE_DRIVER The image driver to use for resizing images (gd or imagick) gd
IMAGE_NO_VERIFY Disable SSL certificate verification for the upstream server false
IMAGE_USE_AVIF Use AVIF format if the browser supports it? false
IMAGE_USE_WEBP Use WebP format if the browser supports it? false


To test the performance of your Imageproxy installation, you can use the following command:

curl -w "@curl-format.txt" -o /dev/null -s "https://imageproxy.example/images/products/image.jpg/200"