
Setup scripts and utilities.

Setup scripts

This is a collection of setup scripts to use across the projects. Setup scripts are used to speed up project's bootstrap time.

Getting started

If you want to add shetup to your project, or you want to update existing installation, just run this script:

$ curl -L 'http://git.io/o_-kQQ' | bash


Here's the list of helpers and tools provided by the core scripts.


Checks if given command is installed.

check_cmd git
check_cmd ruby 2.0.0


Executes specified command or script:

run bundle install
run pip install -r requirements.txt


Creates a file with content copied from sample one.

edit_sample_file .env

This one will create a file .env with content from .env.sample and open editor with it so user can change it.


If you want to update core scripts, run:

$ https://github.com/nu7hatch/setup/tree/master/update.sh | bash


  1. Fork the project.
  2. Write awesome code (in a feature branch).
  3. Test, test, test...!
  4. Commit, push and send Pull Request.