
Kubernetes API Client library in Clojure

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


Kubernetes client API library for Clojure. Functions are generated using macros derived from offical swagger spec.

cljdoc documentation


Add the dependency to your project.clj.

Clojars Project


First, run a kubernetes proxy with kubectl proxy --port=8080.

Each endpoint function returns a core.async channel. Under the covers, the http-kit http client is used.

(require '[kubernetes.api.v1 :as k8s]
         '[clojure.core.async :refer [<!!]])

;; Make a context for querying k8s
(def ctx (k8s/make-context "http://localhost:8080"))

;; List all nodes
(<!! (k8s/list-namespaced-node ctx))

;; Pass an optional parameter
(<!! (k8s/list-namespaced-node ctx {:namespace "default"}))

;; Create a pod
(<!! (k8s/create-namespaced-pod ctx
       {:kind "Pod" :metadata {:name "test"}
        :spec {:containers [{:name "nginx" :image "nginx"}]}}
       {:namespace "default"}))

;; Use a label selector when listing pods
(<!! (k8s/list-pod ctx {:label-selector "kube-system=true"}))


You need to have minikube running locally (minikube --bootstrapper=kubeadm --kubernetes-version=v1.10.2 start)

Start the kubernetes proxy to a running k8s cluster (kubectl proxy --port=8080)

lein test


See LICENSE file.