A PHP library to create interesting, sometimes entertaining, random names.
- 1
Please add the colors
#42 opened by aleksbagrov - 4
Support PHP 8.0
#38 opened by jonathan-shahen - 4
Create a generator that creates "usernames"
#35 opened by ovflowd - 1
Query: cinam/randomizer as a dev dependency
#21 opened by jessedc - 1
Actually only requires php version 5.3
#15 opened by jonathan-s - 2
cinam/randomizer is a dev dependency?
#9 opened by willwashburn - 0
Document library usage in README.
#6 opened by nubs - 2
Proper mocking of RNG/array_rand
#2 opened by nubs - 0
100% test coverage
#1 opened by nubs - 0
Add a CLI interface
#4 opened by nubs - 1
Document in README
#3 opened by nubs