
Primary LanguageGo

The Autobus Application

build status

This is Autobus, a suite of applications who are destined to forever gather information about many GPSs.


Attached Resources

If in doubt what a attached resource is, read this.

Installation of those is critical for running the application without docker-compose. If you do decide to use docker-compose, then there is no need to install any attached resource.

Other tools

These are mandatory:

However, running Nats and MongoDB locally can give you greater control and inspection.

Docker Compose

The applications are used in production with docker-compose, so to test how it behaves is essential, especially when delivering a new release.

For development purposes, it is no more than a convenience, although I encourage you to use it just so we can get a environment that resembles the production one.

Next, clone this repository and, in the root folder, do:

$ sh build.sh

The build.sh script statically links all the applications inside src, and puts them inside bin/.

Next, you can bring the whole environment up with docker-compose. Just apply the correct .yml files, in the right order:

$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f development.yml build
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f development.yml up -d

That's it!

Running without Docker Compose

You can also run each application by your own. This is useful when not testing out the entire flow, but rather a part of it (e.g. changing the web API)


gb build

This will compile all applications and put them inside bin/, but they are not statically linked.

You can then run each one of the applications accordingly. Take a look at the Environment section to see the different env vars needed to run each project.

Also, take a look at the Architecture section to see how the different applications interact with one another.


  • The autobus-core application opens up a TCP server at port 9009 by default.
  • When a GPS connects, it pushes data through the socket, which is then forwarded to the configured NATS, in the gps.update subject. The message is forwarded untouched.
    • The autobus-platform application forms a queue group under queue.web.database, on the subject gps.update.
    • The autobus-platform application can easily be scaled horizontally (see AUTOBUS_PLATFORM_HORIZONTAL) and vertically (start new ones, yay NATS!)
    • The autobus-platform, then, with the payload received from autobus-core via the gps.update subject, (tries to) parse and inserts the GPS update on the underlying MongoDB database. There's a capped (1kb, 500 documents) collection for transient data, and a cold collection for further storage.
  • The autobus-web application, when requested, access the MongoDB database, querying the GPS messages table.
  • The autobus-web application also creates bus stops through it's API.

Whew! Hope you now have a clue on what the applications main responsibility is.


Autobus Core

  • AUTOBUS_CORE_NATS_URL: The NATS URL the Core will publish messages to. The subject name is gps.update.
  • AUTOBUS_CORE_DEBUG: Enables debugging.
  • AUTOBUS_CORE_TCP_HOST: Changes the TCP host. Default is
  • AUTOBUS_CORE_HANDLERS: Tweaks client concurrency. The number of handlers is, in effect, the total numbers of connected clients the Hub can hold before buffering subsequent connections. You should increase this if the number of clients go higher. Default is 2048. (10k concurrent connections should be fine, given the server is able to handle that. Expect memory issues only with extreme concurrency/spikes)
  • AUTOBUS_CORE_ACCEPT: Effectively, the number of concurrent goroutines accepting connections. Tweak this should make clients be accepted faster; discretion is advised, though. Default is 1024.

Autobus Platform

  • AUTOBUS_PLATFORM_HORIZONTAL: Tweaks the number of goroutines that register callbacks on the NATS client. Tweaking this should parallellize the queue output rate, but this also increases the load on the database. Discretion is advised. Default is 1024.
  • AUTOBUS_PLATFORM_NATS_URL: The NATS URL the platform will listen messages in.
  • AUTOBUS_PLATFORM_MONGO_URL: The MongoDB servers it will insert GPS messages into. TODO: more details on the schema.

Autobus Web

  • AUTOBUS_WEB_HOST: Sets the host for the API and where the server will listen to incoming requests.
  • AUTOBUS_WEB_MONGO_URL: Sets the MongoDB URL it will read from.


The Web API, schemas, that sort of thing

Note: represented as JSON for example values, each top level element represents a MongoDB collection. This is the current version.

	// stops represent the bus stops along a path.
	// each line has n stops.
	stops: [
			_id: "8abf716348cfd",
			name: "Santa Cruz",
			location: {
				type: "Point",
				coordinates: [-143.4183747, 22.88463]

	// a line represents a entity that encompasses N buses.
	lines: [
			_id: "81737471874",
			hours: ["08:00", "09:00"],
			stops: [
				{_id: "8abf716348cfd"}
			route: {
				type: "MultiLineString",
				coordinates: [
					[-22, -44],
					[-22, -44],
					[-22, -44],
					[-22, -44],
					[-22, -44]


  • POST /lines: creates a new line
  • GET /lines[stop_id]: Retrieves all the lines, or, if the stop_id param is present, returns the lines that contain said stop.
  • POST /stops: creates a new bus stop
  • GET /stops?latitude=1&longitude=2&radius=100: returns all the stop within the geographical coordinates denominated by the latitude, longitude, and radius. All arguments are mandatory. Not supplying them results in a BadRequest.
  • GET /live: returns the latest GPS information

Future of the Web API

  • We need to expose public GPS data (from the actual buses running around city) through this same API. The MongoDB Collection for hot, recent data is gps_data_transient. It has a 1kb/500 document limit (memory purposes). The cold, long-term storage one is gps_data. These are kept for at least 6 months.