
Hierarchical configuration system for Postgres

Primary LanguageGo

Maeve: hierarchical configuration made simple

Maeve is a plug-and-play configuration system for Postgres that aims to be correct, fast and simple to reason about.


  • Simple, hierarchical and performant key-value path in Postgres.
  • Correct updates and deletes with minimal effort: optimistic locking is used to ensure no value gets overriden. No race conditions!
  • Support multiple different use cases: settings per carrier, per user, namespaces
  • Go API for reading and writing settings


// first, create a maeve client:
import (

mcli, _ := pg.NewClient()

// read all settings under the path "foo/*"
// invoiceSettings is a maeve.KeyValueList
invoiceSettings, err := mcli.Fetch(context.TODO(), maeve.Path("invoices/*"))

// Put creates the values provided in the list in bulk
// number of keys and values must match, otherwise an error is returned
// by default, Put will override values
err := mcli.Put(maeve.KV("invoices/some_property", "value 1", "invoices/other_property", "value 2"))

// you can delete a property as well:
err := mcli.Delete(maeve.Path("invoices/some_property"))

// you can use the maevemock package for unit tests
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
maeveMockClient := maevemock.NewMockClient(ctrl)
  Put(maevemock.KVMatcher("invoices/some_property", "value 1", "invoices/other_property", "value 2"))

err := maeveMockClient.Put(maeve.KV("invoices/some_property", "value 1", "invoices/other_property", "value 2"))


Hooks are functions that are fired in certain events for key-value pairs. You can register hooks like this:

  Path: "invoices/*",
  OnCreate: func(props maeve.KeyValueList) {
    for _, prop := range props {
      fmt.Println("created", prop.Key, "with value", prop.Value)
  OnUpdate: func(props maeve.KeyValueList) {
    for _, prop := range props {
      fmt.Println("updated", prop.Key, "with value", prop.Value)
  OnDelete: func(props maeve.KeyValueList) {
    for _, prop := range props {
      fmt.Println("deleted", prop.Key, "with value", prop.Value)

OnCreate is called when the key-value pair did not exist before.

OnUpdate is called when the key-value pair existed before, and right after it is updated.

OnDelete is called right after the key-value pair is deleted.

When used with a glob path, hooks will be called once with a list of affected key-pairs.

There are no guarantees that the values will still be valid by the time hooks are called. Thus, hooks are supposed to be idempotent operations.

Correct updates in the face of concurrency

Updates to settings will use optimistic locking. This means that concurrent updates to a given path will be guaranteed to be processed in the order they were received.