
A personalized and simple configuration.

Primary LanguageLua

Last commit

Screenshot (1423)

🌟 Stargazers

Thanks for the stars

🔔 Reminder

  • Please, run :h config-reminder for special reminders and tips.

📄 Requirements

Click to view

Git (Optional)


Nerd Font (For Icons)


NOTE: I'm using scoop to install them.

💻 Installation

Make sure to remove or move the current nvim directory and neovim isn't open.

  • Linux
git clone https://github.com/Alexis12119/nvim-config.git ~/.config/nvim
  • Windows (Powershell)
Invoke-WebRequest https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Alexis12119/nvim-config/master/installer/install.ps1 -UseBasicParsing | Invoke-Expression
  • Windows (CMD)
git clone https://github.com/Alexis12119/nvim-config.git %userprofile%\AppData\Local\nvim

Run nvim and wait for the plugins to be installed.

📖 Instructions

  • Install LSP, Formatters, Linters
:MasonInstall <name>
  • Install Language Parser
:TSInstall <filetype>

Make sure the formatter or linter is installed and add it to this setup function: null-ls.


Plugin name Description
lazy.nvim Plugin Manager
neodev.nvim Help for Plugin Development
nightly.nvim Default Colorscheme
tokyonight.nvim Colorscheme
gruvbox.nvim Colorscheme
kanagawa.nvim Colorscheme
catppuccin Colorscheme
vscode.nvim Colorscheme
onedark.nvim Colorscheme
onenord.nvim Colorscheme
monokai.nvim Colorscheme
dracula.nvim Colorscheme
palenightfall.nvim Colorscheme
vim-nightfly-colors Colorscheme
material.nvim Colorscheme
nvim-dap Debug Adapter Protocol
nvim-dap-ui UI for nvim-dap
nvim-jdtls Extensions for the built-in LSP support in Neovim for eclipse.jdt.ls
plenary.nvim Lua Functions
nvim-autopairs Auto Pairs
Comment.nvim Commenting
nvim-ts-context-commentstring Smart Commenting
nvim-web-devicons Icons
nvim-tree.lua File Explorer
bufferline.nvim Tabline
vim-bbye Delete Buffer
lualine.nvim Statusline
alpha-nvim Start Screen
nvim-colorizer.lua Preview Colors
toggleterm.nvim Terminal
indent-blankline.nvim Indent Guide
jaq-nvim Code Runner
nvim-cmp Completion Engine
cmp-buffer Buffer Completions
cmp-path Path Completions
cmp_luasnip Snippet Completions
cmp-nvim-lsp LSP Completions
cmp-nvim-lua Lua Completions
cmp-cmdline CommandLine Completions
LuaSnip Snippet Engine
friendly-snippets Bunch of Snippets
nvim-lspconfig Built-in LSP
null-ls.nvim Formatters and Linters
lspsaga.nvim LSP UI
mason.nvim Package Manager
mason-lspconfig.nvim Extension of mason.nvim
telescope.nvim Fuzzy Finder
telescope-fzf-native.nvim FZF sorter for telescope written in c
gitsigns.nvim Git Integration
which-key.nvim Keymaps Popup
nvim-treesitter Syntax Highlighting
markdown-preview.nvim Markdown Previewer
vim-startuptime Measure StartupTime


This two repository helps me to create my own neovim lua configuration.

“Make it work, make it right, make it fast.”

- Kent Beck