
Primary LanguageJavaScript



See it live: https://ancient-sierra-33799.herokuapp.com/

How to run

  1. Install MongoDB for your OS
  2. Run command 'mongod' to start Mongo background process
  3. Run command 'node app.js'
  4. Go to 'localhost:3000' in your browser to view app


  • Add Landing Page
  • Add Campgrounds Page that lists all campgrounds

Each Campground has:

  • Name
  • Image


Layout and Basic Styling

  • Create our header and footer partials
  • Add in Bootstrap


Creating New Campgrounds

  • Setup new campground POST route
  • Add in body-parser
  • Setup route to show form
  • Add basic unstyled form


Style the campgrounds page

  • Add a better header/title
  • Make campgrounds display in a grid


Style the Navbar and Form

  • Add a navbar to all templates
  • Style the new campground form

Add Mongoose

  • Install and configure Mongoose
  • Setup campground model
  • Use campground model inside our routes

Show Page

  • Review the RESTful routes we've seen so far
  • Add description to our campground model
  • Show db.collection.drop() //deletes every document in a collection
  • Add a show route/template


Name URL Verb Description
index /dogs GET Display a list of all dogs
new /dogs/new GET Displays form to make new dog
create /dogs POST Add new dog to database
show /dogs/:id GET Shows info about one dog
edit /dogs/:id/edit GET Show edit form for one dog
update /dogs/:id PUT Update a particular dog, then redirect somewhere
destroy /dogs/:id DELETE Delete a particular dog, then redirect somewhere

RESTful Routing


  • REST - a mapping between HTTP routes and CRUD

Refactor Mongoose Code

  • Create a models directory
  • Use module.exports
  • Require everything correctly!

Add Seeds File

  • Add a seeds.js file
  • Run the seeds file every time the server starts

Add the Comment model!

  • Make our errors go away!
  • Display comments on campground show page

Comment New/Create

  • Discuss nested routes

    • comments need to be nested in campground routes

    Campground Routes

    Name URL HTTP Verb
    INDEX /campgrounds GET
    NEW /campgrounds/new GET
    CREATE /campgrounds POST
    SHOW /campgrounds/:id GET
    EDIT same as SHOW
    UPDATE /campgrounds/:id PUT (ajax request)
    DESTROY /campgrounds/:id DELETE (ajax request)

    Comment Routes

    Name URL HTTP Verb
    INDEX /campgrounds/:id GET (displayed on each campground's SHOW page)
    NEW /campgrounds/:id/comments/new GET
    CREATE /campgrounds/:id/comments POST
  • Add the comment new and create routes

  • Add the new comment form

Style Show Page

  • Add sidebar to show page
  • Display comments nicely

Finish Styling Show Page

  • Add public directory
  • Add custome stylesheet

Auth Pt. 1 - Add User Model

  • Install all packages needed for auth
  • Define User model

Auth Pt. 2 - Register

  • Configure Passport
  • Add register routes
  • Add register template

Auth Pt. 3 - Login

  • Add login routes
  • Add login template

Auth Pt. 4 - Logout/Navbar

  • Add logout route
  • Prevent user from adding a comment if not signed in
  • Add links to navbar

Auth Pt. 5 - Show/Hide Links

  • Show/hide auth links correctly

Refactor Routes

  • Use Express router to reorganize all routes

Users + Comments

  • Associate users and comments
  • Save author's name to a comment automatically

Users + Campgrounds

  • Prevent an unauthenticated user from creating a campground
  • Save username + id to newly created campground

Editing Campgrounds

  • Add Method-Override (currently using ajax requests)
  • Add Edit Route for Campgrounds (currently on same page as show page)
  • Add Link to Edit Page
  • Add Update Route
  • Fix $set problem

Deleting Campgrounds

  • Add Destroy Route
  • Add Delete Button

Authorization Part 1: Campgrounds

  • User can only edit his/her campgrounds
  • User can only delete his/her campgrounds
  • Hide/Show edit and delete buttons

Editing Comments

  • Add Edit route for comments [x]
  • Add Edit button [x]
    • added bootstrap dropdown menu to each comment. this needs to be styled.
  • Add Update route [x]

Deleting Comments [ ]

  • Add Destroy route [x]
  • Add Delete button [x]

Authorization Part 2: Comments [x]

  • User can only edit his/her comments [x]
  • User can only delete his/her comments [x]
  • Hide/show edit and delete buttons [x]
  • Refactor Middleware [x]

Adding in Flash!

  • Demo working version
  • Install and configure connect-flash
  • Add bootstrap alerts to header

Update landing UI

Dynamic Prices [x]



  • What is Git?
  • What is Github?
  • Why shoould you care?
  • Novel Writing Analogy
  • Installing Git

Git Basics

  • Git init - create a new git repo;
  • Git status - check tracked/untracked files (tracked files have the history of their contents recorded while untracked files do not)
  • Git add - track files that will be part of the next commit (files should be grouped appropriately for respective commits)
  • Git commit -

Git Checkout

  • Git Log - see previous commits
  • Git Checkout - git checkout [commit hash] takes you back to previous commit (this unnamed branch is called a detached HEAD)

Ways to revert

  • git reset --hard [commit hash] (destroys uncommitted work)
  • git revert [commit hash] (does not destroy uncommitted work)
    • (creates a new commit whereas checkout/reset moves HEAD back to previous commit)
    • reverting has 2 important advantages over reset
      • doesn't change project history, which makes it "safe"
      • because it doesn't delete previous commits, you can revert backwards/forwards to any arbitrary commit
  • git revert --no-commit [commit hash]..HEAD

Git amend

  • git commit --amend -m "an updated commit message" (amends the most recent commit)
  • forget to add a file to staging area before a commit? then stage the file you want to add, then type "git commit --amend --no-edit"

Cloning and Github Intro

  • What is Github -
  • Cloning an existing repo -

Pushing to Github

  • Creating a repo on github
  • Adding a remote
  • Pushing to github


  • Rent out server space to host your Express application
  • Heroku and AWS are both popular environments for hosting your Express app
    • Download heroku
    • type 'heroku login' into command line
    • login with credentials
    • run 'git status'
    • initialize heroku directory with 'git init'
    • push your local repo upstream to heroku master
    • type 'heroku logs' to see errors
    • add start script to package.json
      • under "scripts", add "start": "node app/app.js"