R Shiny web app for visualizing state-level electricity data with data from Data from the U.S. Energy Information Agency (www.eia.gov)
A working copy of the Shiny App can be found at shinyapps.io
This project was developed for a special topics course in Interactive Data Visualization, taught by the Industrial & Systems Engineering department at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
To run the following R shiny app on your own machine, you need
And the following R libraries. They can be installed by using the code
in an R console
- shiny
- shinythemes
- ggplot2
- dplyr
- RColorBrewer
- ggthemes
- readxl
- leaflet
- maps
- geojson
- geojsonio
- tigris
- DT
- openintro
- censusapi
- viridis
- shinyWidgets
All packages can be installed simultaneously with the following code
install.packages(c('shiny', 'shinythemes', 'ggplot2, 'dplyr', 'RColorBrewer', 'ggthemes', 'readxl', 'leaflet', 'maps', 'geojson', 'geojsonio', 'tigris', 'DT', 'openintro', 'censusapi', 'viridis', 'shinyWidgets'))