
Boring example web application that uses memcached.

This web application runs a hello world web service.

The index route "/" will display Hello World!

Using the "/name?name=" route you can change World to the name of your choice.


Build dependencies The go programming langauge must be installed and available at version 1.18 or newer.

Runtime dependencies

Memcached is required for this application to run. No other runtime dependencies are needed.


The web service defaults to running on port 8090. You can change the port by setting the PORT environment variable. For example to use port 8080 instead:

PORT=':8080' ./cachegreeter

The Memcache server location is configurable wth the MEMCACHE_URL environment variable. Memcache's default port on localhost is used if not specified. For example:



First build the application. Dependencies will be fetched on first build.

go build

Launch with defaults or specify environment variables.

PORT=:7777 MEMCACHE_URL=localhost:11212 ./cachegreeter