urxvt configuration reload

This plugin allows you to reload urxvt configuration at runtime by sending SIGHUP to the urxvt process.

What can be reloaded?

Currently only color, font and geometry settings are reloaded.


  • To switch between a high-contrast and low-constrast color schemes based on sunlight levels.
  • To switch font sizes when the terminal is moved to another screen with a different DPI.
  • ... and much more!

Example usage scripts might be added later.


  • urxvt (obviously)
  • Perl ≥ 5.20 (could be easily fixed to work with more ancient versions if needed)
  • AnyEvent
  • Linux::FD
  • common::sense

You can install the needed packages with CPAN:

sudo cpan AnyEvent Linux::FD common::sense


Copy the files into ~/.urxvt/ext/. Add config-reload to the URxvt.perl-ext-common option in Xresources. E.g.:

URxvt.perl-ext-common: default,clipboard,...,config-reload

Do not add the config-print extension there!

See https://github.com/muennich/urxvt-perls#installation for alternative installation methods (system-wide etc.).