
My landing page from 2011ish to 2012ish. An excuse to go [Camping](http://github.com/camping/camping).

Primary LanguageRuby

This is my website. It's written using [Camping], [Markaby], and the [Bootstrap] CSS framework. It uses [Puma] for its application server, just 'cause.

It really doesn't do a whole lot, I just wanted to learn some new things and needed a landing page that doesn't look like it's from 2002. The content is all static for now, but I expect it to grow and grow as I learn and do more things. [Camping]:https://github.com/camping/camping [Markaby]:https://github.com/markaby/markaby [Bootstrap]:https://github.com/twitter/bootstrap [Puma]:https://github.com/evanphx/puma