
Quickly create new alias commands and add them to your .bashrc or .bash_aliases or other configuration files.

Primary LanguageCrystal


Simple application for adding new bash aliases on the fly.


Crystal Build

If you don't have the Crystal language installed, please see how to install Crystal.

$ git clone https://github.com/nucleogenesis/aeleus
$ cd aeleus
$ crystal build aeleus.cr

This will create a binary file called aeleus.

You can place this anywhere you'd like - but it would be best placed somewhere in your PATH. Usually, this is somewhere like /usr/local/bin. In any case, you want to have that aeleus binary in a place where you can call it from your console. If you want to make one last manual alias, you can add alias aeleus="/path/to/aeleus" to your .bashrc or .bash_aliases file.

Packaged Installations

I may decide later on to create a package but it is relatively easy to build. I may also just have a built binary ready for download in the future.


Aeleus is a simple program that lets you create new aliases quickly without having to open your .bashrc or .bash_aliases (or whatever file you use) to edit it.

Aeleus has the following flags:

-f FILE, --to=FILE               Exact full path to the file where you want aliases added. (eg, /home/user/.bashrc) DEFAULT=~/.bash_aliases
-a ALIAS, --alias=ALIAS          The alias name that you want to apply the command to.
-c COMMAND, --command=COMMAND    The command that you want to alias. If your command has spaces, put it between double-quotes. (eg, aelius -a sshproduction -x "ssh -i ~/.ssh/key user@domain")

Adding a new alias to ~/.bash_aliases

The default file is ~/.bash_aliases - if it doesn't exist, Aeleus will create it. (NOTE: If Aeleus creates the file, you may still have to ensure that it is loaded when you open your console)

The following command:

aeleus -a sshdev -c "ssh -i /path/to/keyfile user@dev-server.xyz"

Will append:

alias sshdev="ssh -i /path/to/keyfile user@dev-server.xyz"

to the end of your ~/.bash_aliases file.

When your command has a space in it, you MUST put it in double quotes. If it doesn't have a space, the quotes are not required.

Adding a new alias to another file (ie, ~/.bashrc)

aeleus -f ~/.bashrc -a killngnix -c "systemctl stop nginx" will add alias killnginx="systemctl stop nginx" to your ~/.bashrc.

Note: You can have any file after the -f flag as long as you have permissions to access it.