
Localization of the Python argparse module

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Localization of the Python argparse module

Current status

Only the French language translation is provided.

The binary wheel file contains litte endian mo translation files. Users of big endian systems should use the source distribution to generate the mo files on their own system.


The argparse module makes it easy to write user-friendly command-line interfaces. Specifically, it automatically generates help and usage messages and issues errors when users give the program invalid arguments. Unfortunately, even if the module is able to use gettext type localization strings, none is provided by the standard library.

This module provides some translations (at least a French one) and will be simply installable through pip


End user installation

With pip: pip install i18nparse.

Developper installation

If you want to contribute, you should get a copy of the full tree from GitHUB:

git clone https://github.com/s-ball/i18nparse.git [your_working_copy_folder]


The i18nparse module defines 2 functions:

def activate(lang = None)

which activates the usage of the translation for the required language. By default, the language for locale.getlocale() is used.

def deactivate()

which reverts to the original texts.


import argparse
import i18nparse

i18nparse.activate()     # Ok use current locale (if translation file exists)

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('foo')
parser.print_help()      # displays the help message for the current locale

Assuming a fr_FR locale, this displays:

usage : foo [-h]

arguments optionnels:
  -h, --help  affiche ce message et termine le programme


Contribution for new language translations or improvement of existing ones are welcome. See CONTRIBUTING for details


This project uses a standard Major.Minor.Patch versioning pattern. Inside a major version, public API stability is expected (at least after 1.0.0 version will be published).


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details