
ProcessWire module to create placeholder images on the fly using base64 data uri


Use this module in templates to generate placeholder images. It doesn't create a physical image but a base64 data uri string to use as the src of image tag. You can get the base64 code or the complete img tag for convenience.

Example chained call:

$base64 = $modules->PlaceholderImage->width(640)->height(480)->background('DDDDDD')->render();

Then insert the string as the src like:

<img src="<?php echo $base64?>">

Or pass true to render() to get a complete tag

$imgTag = $modules->PlaceholderImage->width(640)->height(480)->render(true);

Or static calls for convenience:

$base64 = PlaceholderImage::image(150,100);
$base64 = PlaceholderImage::image(150, 100, 'FF0000', 'FFFFFF', 'Custom text');
$imgTag = PlaceholderImage::imagetag(150, 100, 'FF0000', 'FFFFFF', 'Custom text');


  • GD PHP lib installed in your server.