
My miniature jupyter-kernel

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


My miniature jupyter-kernel


Label prefix is ##% or //%
echo "shell cmd test"

Compile and run code

label value annotation
cflags: Specifies the compilation parameters for C language compilation
ldflags: Specify the link parameters for C language connection
args: Specifies the parameters for the code file runtime
coptions: Code compilation time parameters of JVM platform
joptions: Code runtime parameters for the JVM platform
runprg: The code content will be run by the execution file specified by runprg
runprgargs: runprg Parameters of the specified executable ,You can put the name specified by file into the parameter string.
outputtype: text/plain mime-type

Interactive running code

label value annotation
runmode: repl The code will run in interactive mode.
replcmdmode (repl interactive mode) to send stdin information to the specified process (repl child PID)
replsetip: "\r\n" Set (repl interactive mode) the prompt string when waiting for input
replchildpid: (repl interactive mode) specifies the running process number
repllistpid Lists the interactive process PIDs that are running

Interactive running GDB

label value annotation
rungdb Run GDB and send commands to GDB (repl interactive mode)

Save code and include file

label value annotation
noruncode Do not run code content
overwritefile Overwrite existing files
file: The code can be saved to multiple files
include: Places the specified file contents in the label location

Templates and testing

Define a macro
define:Define a macro,The content is jinja2 template. example:##%define:M1 this is {{name}}
##$Macroname or //$Macroname Replace with macro
##$M1 name='jinja2 content' This line will be replaced by this is jinja2 content
Define template code area
##jj2_begin or //jj2_begin
##jj2_end or //jj2_end
Put template code between jj2_begin and jj2__end ,jj2_begin Followed by parameters example: name='jinja2 content'.example: jj2_begin:name=www
Define test code area
##test_begin / //test_begin
##test_end / //test_end
test_ Begin and test_ End is the test code,Will not be saved to the file

Commands and environment variables

label value annotation
command: shell command or executable
pycmd: python parameter command
dartcmd: dart parameter command
fluttercmd: flutter parameter command
kcmd: jupyter kernel command
env: Setting environment variables for code file runtime.example: name=xxx name2='dddd'

Behavior control

label value annotation
noruncode Do not run code content
onlycsfile Generate code files only
onlyruncmd Run the label command only
onlycompile Compile code content only