
Using https://github.com/chipsenkbeil/choose to mimic https://www.alfredapp.com/

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT



Launch is a utility which leverages the choose utility by chipsenkbeil to create a "poor-man's Alfred". It supports the launching of applications via a gui, as well as via the command line.

The program creates a file ".launchdb" in the home directory, which is used as a cache of the data generated by the 'gen-launch-db' script. Whenever there is a failed search attempt, this script is run again in an attempt to locate the desired application.


To launch an application, any of the below methods will work (note that for launch to work, the user must search for the desired application and select it):

launch chrome
launch "Google Chrome"
launch google chrome

Note: The search tool in built into the choose utility is fuzzy in nature.


  • choose-gui
  • fd (The scripts can easily be modified to use find)


Just place the launch and gen-launch-db scripts in your path and you can use the scripts as described above.