I look to cook when I have the opportunity. I often find recipes I like on the website tasty.co. I'm fond of automation and the command-line, so I figured I'd write a script to fetch details about a recipe from there.
This scraper takes in a URL to a tasty recipe and it outputs nicely-formatted JSON.
This script uses BeautifulSoup and requests.
./scraper <tasty.co recipe URL>
Note: Obviously, the recipes hosted on tasty.co are the intellectual property of BuzzFeed
I am happy to remove this repository from GitHub if there are any complaints regarding breaches in the user agreement, though having read through this I believe this script falls under the "we grant each user of the Services a worldwide, non-exclusive, revocable, non-sublicensable and non-transferable license to view, print, download, and display locally Content, to the extent we hold such rights" section of that document.