
📔✅ Learn docker for development and devOps intergration

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Docker Learn

Learn Docker from scratch to easily deploy your applications in containers.

Why Images?

-  Lightweigth (in indonesia is "ringan")
-  Standalone (in indonesia is "mandiri")
-  Executable package


Code, Runtime, Libraries, System tools


  • Running instances of images
  • Can create, start, stop, move, or delete a container using the Docker API or CLI
  • Can be connected to one or more networks, including the internet
  • Can be connected to one or more storage volumes


  • Data storage mechanism
  • Can be shared among containers
  • Can be reused among containers
  • Can be backed up and restored
  • Can be migrated from one host to another

Docker Workflow

  1. Docker Client
Interface to interact with Docker Daemon using CLI or GUI
  1. Docker Host (Docker Daemon)
Responsible for running containers, images, networks, and volumes
  1. Docker Registry (Docker Hub)
Stores Docker images