rickumali-index This is the software that generates the rickumali.com site. The best way to read this code is to start "from the cron jobs": min hr day month weekday job 0 10 * * * ./make_sports_tmpl.sh 10 10 * * * ./make_ramblings_tmpl.sh 20 10 * * * ./make_flickr_tmpl.sh 25 10 * * * ./make_tech_tmpl.sh 30 10 * * * ./make_rick_index.sh -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A high-level view of which Perl scripts (.pl) get called, and what templates (.tmpl) are used / generated: make_sports_tmpl.sh -> getfeed.pl -> process_sports_feed.pl = sports.tmpl make_ramblings_tmpl.sh -> getfeed.pl -> processfeed.pl = blog.tmpl make_tech_tmpl.sh -> getfeed.pl -> process_tech_feed.pl = tech.tmpl make_flickr_tmpl.sh -> getfeed.pl -> process_flickr_feed.pl = pictures.tmpl make_rick_index.sh -> make_new_index.pl -> bio.tmpl + blog.tmpl + tech.tmpl + sports.tmpl + pictures.tmpl + contact.tmpl + footer.tmpl + rick-yui.tmpl = test.html = index.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- References http://www.template-toolkit.org/ http://developer.yahoo.com/yui http://search.cpan.org/~gaas/libwww-perl-5.800/lib/LWP.pm http://search.cpan.org/dist/HTML-Parser/lib/HTML/TokeParser.pm Rick Umali / www.rickumali.com / rickumali@gmail.com
This is the Perl source code that generates my vanity webpage (hosted at rickumali.com).