
NUI Automation Test by Aurum. This test is designed to test NUITizenGallery examples. Test will take screenshots for each examples and compare with expected screenshots.

Primary LanguagePython


NUI Automation Test by Aurum.

This test is designed to test NUITizenGallery examples. Test will take screenshots for each examples and compare with expected screenshots.

Requirements and Pre-Conditions

Test Environment Settings

  • Pre-environment Setting

    Start from Aurum directory (aurum/)

    (host) cd ui_automation/python/mobile

    Create virtual env

    (host) python3 -m venv v

    Activate a virtual env

    • Linux (host) source v/bin/activate

    • Window (host) v/Scripts/activate.bat

    Install required pkg (only once)

    (python_virtual) pip3 install -r ../../../protocol/resources/python/requirements.txt

    (python_virtual) pip3 install 'protobuf<4.0dev,>=3.12.0' --force-reinstall

    (python_virtual) pip3 install opencv-python

    Target setup such as sdb forward, bootstrap execution

    (python_virtual) python3 ../../../protocol/resources/python/mobile/mobileSetup.py

  • Launch Test

    Move test directory (cd {yourlocation}/NUIAutomationTest/)

    (python_virtual) cd test/NUITizenGallery/

    Take screenshots (only required first time)

    (python_virtual) python3 ScreenShotCapturer.py

    Run test

    (python_virtual) python3 {test-name}.py

    Run all test

    (python_virtual) python3 AllTest.py