Northwestern Research Computing Services - Webscraping with Selenium (Python) Workshop

General information

Selenium is a browser automation tool that allows users to interact with html elements from any website. In this workshop, we will introduce attendees to Selenium and ChromeDriver, a separate executable that facilitate communication between Selenium and Google Chrome. Attendees will learn to deploy these tools to automatically search for and grab data from websites.

Preworkshop setup

Please have Anaconda installed as we will use Jupyter Lab.

It is also a good practice to create a new environment to avoid any issue with dependencies. To create a new environment named webscraping, from your terminal:

conda create -n webscraping python=3.9 pandas matplotlib jupyterlab

After this line finishes, you will have created a conda environment that includes selenium. To activate the environment,

conda activate webscraping

In the webscraping environment, run

pip install selenium

As mentioned in the introduction, we will need a webdriver, and in our case ChromeDriver, to interact with websites.

pip install webdriver-manager

The day-of

If you launch Jupyter Lab from terminal, remember to activate the environment first. If you launch Jupyter Lab via Anaconda, from the dropdown menu next to Channels, choose webscraping.

Works cited