
A few procedures to help with the administration of your ElectricCommander server

Primary LanguagePerl


EC-Admin is a collection of administrative procedures to help you manage your server. Its inception was sparked by requests from customers during my Professional Services engagements. It has grown over the years to what it is now.

It contains the following modules:


This collection of procedures can be found on our GitHub repository. It is available as a plugin delivered in the form of a .jar file or you can simply get the source code and recompile it yourself.

To install the plugin, use one the following methods:

  • the "Install from File/URL" tab in the administration/Plugins
  • the Perl "$ec->installPlugin()" API.
  • the CLI client "ectool installPlugin --force 1 EC-Admin.jar

Don't forget to promote the plugin after installation.

To install on 4.0.x or or 4.1.x, import the EC_4.0.xml file. Be aware that some features are not present as the original project makes use of createJobStep() API which was introduced in 4.2.0:
ectool import /path_to/EC-Admin_for_EC_4.0.xml --disableSchedules 1

IMPORTANT: For all parameter descriptions below, required parameters are shown in bold italics.

System Health


This procedure allows you to change the Java heap memory setting of your agents. Electric Cloud support recommend increasing the default for agents with a heavier load like the repository server agent, gateway agent and web server agent.

agent The name of the resource on which the agent is located.
init memory The amount of init memory to assign to the Java heap. It can be indicated in Mb or as a % of the toal memory.
max memory The maximum amount of memory to assign to the Java heap. It can be indicated in Mb or as a % of the toal memory.
restartAgent On Linux the agent service is restarted, on Windows the box is rebooted.


This procedure is simply to test connection to all your resources or a specific pool. This will create simple step to run an echo command on alive resources.

pool Name of a pool. If empty, all resources will be tested


This procedure returns some information about your ElectricCommander server like number of processors, total RAM, available RAM, ping times with agents, relative performance of agents, ... In addition it checks the amount of time spent running steps on the server local agents as this should be minimized as much as possible.

Look and Feel


If you work on multiple Commander servers like a development and a production instances, this procedure is for you. It allows you to change the color of the top banner and the logo to make it easier to identify your different servers. Feel free to send me new ones if you have a more artistic touch than me. Or better push your changes to GitHub.

color Choose a color for your top banner
logo Choose a set of pre-rendered logo to indicate if you server is of type DEV, SDK, TEST or PROD, in black or white to go along different background colors.
logoFile The path on the Commander server to upload your own logo. If this value is not blank it will overwritten the logo parameter above.
webResource The name of the resource running on your webserver to allow the copy of the logo and banner color files.

Note: if you run your server and agent as different user (as recommended), the agent won't be able to modify the following files:

  • INSTALL_DIR/apache/htdocs/commander/images/logo.gif
  • INSTALL_DIR/apache/htdocs/commander/lib/images/frame_bannerBg.gif (version 4.x and later)
  • INSTALL_DIR/apache/htdocs/commander/lib/styles/StdFrame.css (version 5.4 )
  • INSTALL_DIR/apache/htdocs/commander/styles/StdFrame.css (version 6.0 and later)

Those file permissions need to be opened so the agent user can modify them.

changeBannerColor parameters

will produce

Red DEV example

Jobs and Workspaces management

This set of procedures will help you manage your old jobs and the associated workspaces.


A procedure to delete jobs older than a specified number of days. It will also delete associated workspace job directories.

olderThan Indicate the number of days after which jobs are deleted
jobType Define what jobs should be deleted: Error, Warning or all.
jobProperty Name of a property attached to your jobs. If this property is set, your job won't be deleted no matter how old it is.
jobPatternMatching A SQL pattern matching to automatically preserve some jobs. The pattern must solve for a LIKE statement.
delete If this option is not set, only report is done. No real data are deleted
computeUsage Check off to skip the computation of the number of steps and the file space used for the job. This will speed up the execution.

jobsCleanup parameters


A procedure to delete jobs older than a specified number of days. It will also delete associated workspace job directories. It will keep the number of successful, failed and warning jobs you entered. You can also provide a property name, if this property is attached to the job, it won't be deleted no matter how old. A report only mode prevents any real deletion.


A procedure to crawl a workspace directory to find orphan jobs (directories without a matching job) on a specified resource.


A procedure to quickly delete jobs or workflows older than a specified number of days. It will not delete associated workspace job directories. This is for customers with huge job or workflow database.


Plugin Synchronization

This procedure synchronizes plugins between the server and a resource. Plugins are uploaded first as artifacts if it has not been done already and then downloaded on the resource if it does not already exist in the plugins directory.

Plugin creation


Note: This procedure requires access to the jar or zip executable in the PATH.

The procedure "createPluginFromProject" allows the transformation of a project into a plugin. The parameters are the following:

Parameter Description
Project The name of the project to transform into a plugin
Plugin The name of the plugin. If left empty, it will default to the project name.
Category The category of the plugin. It helps filter the plugin list in the Plugins page and in the picker list.
Version Version of the plugin to create. A build number is automatically added (after incrementation) to ensure uniq version numbers.
Description The description of the plugin to display in the main plugin page. If left empty it will default to the description of the project.
Author Name of he author of the project to transform into a plugin.
Email The email of the author.
Comment if this parameter is not empty, it will be added to the CHANGELOG for traceability.
fixSelfReferences Replace self references to the project in sub-prceodure calls by an empty string to be sure the plugins= created will not call the original project instead of itself.
createArtifact Save the new created plugin as an artifact version.
installPlugin A Boolean to install or not the plugin after creation
promotePlugin A Boolean to promote or not the plugin after installation
moveJobs A Boolean to move or not jobs from the previous version into the current one upon promotion.

createPluginFromProject parameters

At the project level, you can define the following properties to alter the behavior of the plugin creation:

Choose all to have the plugin shows in the project list (like EC-Admin), or pickListOnly (default) to have your procedures available only through the plugin procedure picker (when you choose plugin as a step).
This property allows you to create a Help page associated with your plugin. The page you are currently reading is created this way so feel free to explore the help property in the EC-Admin plugin/project for an example.
This property would contain some Perl code to take action when the plugin change state. Look at the ec_setup property in the plugins installed on your system to get a better idea of what you can accomplish.
For example to set a property hwne the plugin is pomoted you could add the the following code to the promoteAction procedure:

if ( $promoteAction eq 'promote' ) {
$batch->setProperty( "/projects/$pluginName/addedByPromote", "123" );

In addition each procedure can modify the behavior with the following 2 properties:

This property if set to 1 will add the procedure to ec_setup to be shown in the procedure picker list when choosing a plugin step.
This property will be shown as the description in the picker list mentioned above. If it's empty or non-existent, the description will be description of the procedure itself.


Note: This procedure requires access to a resource with the Commander SDK installed.

This procedure is an extension of createPluginFromProject. It also creates a plugin but instead of simply exporting the project, it "explodes" each step in its own file for finer granularity check in in your favorite SCM tool.
You can also add automatically a mechanism to add credential/configuration management to you plugin.
All the properties associated with createPluginFromProject still apply.

Parameter Description
Project The name of the project to transform into a plugin
Plugin The name of the plugin. If left empty, it will default to the project name.
Category The category of the plugin. It helps filter the plugin list in the Plugins page and in the picker list.
Version Version of the plugin to create. A build number is automatically added (after incrementation) to ensure uniq version numbers.
Description The description of the plugin to display in the main plugin page. If left empty it will default to the description of the project.
Author Name of he author of the project to transform into a plugin.
Email The email of the author.
Comment if this parameter is not empty, it will be added to the CHANGELOG for traceabiity.
Directory The name of the directory where to create the complete file structure. Typically a directory you will check in in your SCM.
SDK resource The name of an agent where the Commander SDK is installed. Required to build the plugin.
SDK Location The path where the Commander SDK is installed on the above resources..
fixSelfReferences Replace self references to the project in sub-prceodure calls by an empty string to be sure the plugins= created will not call the original project instead of itself.
overwrite if the ec_setup.pl already exists, it is not overwritten. Check this parameter overwrite with a content dynamically generated based on project properties.
disableCleanup Prevents the exported project file to be deleted. It can be an issue when the agent and server run as different users.
projectAsCode Include a bit of code to revert the plugin to a project upon promotion if this option is checked.
createArtifact Save the new created plugin as an artifact version.
installPlugin A Boolean to install or not the plugin after creation
promotePlugin A Boolean to promote or not the plugin after installation
moveJobs A Boolean to move or not jobs from the previous version into the current one upon promotion.

projectAsCode parameters

At the project level, you can define the addtional following properties to alter the behavior of the plugin creation:

this property will indicate to EC-Admin to code to help create configuration to manage credentials for your plugin. It adds:
  • A procedure name "createConfiguration". You need to modify the code of the step "createAndAttachCredential" in order to reference your own procedures and steps where you want to attach those credentials.
  • Some cgi-bin scripts.
  • Some java code to manage the different UI to create, edit and delete configurations.
  • A "configure" link for your plugin on the pluginManager page.
Once the procedures and steps have been created, they will not be overwritten so it's safe to modify them to acoomodate your own needs.
This property will indicate to the ant plugin builder to add files and directories to your jar file. It will create an entry for the filesToCopy.extras in your build.xml. For example, EC-Admin includes lib/*.jar that is used to manage the configurations required for the credentials.
This property allows you to add plugin dependencies that need to be satisfied before you ca install the plugin. Put a a line per dependency with each line being PLUGIN:VERSION

Note: EC-Admin is released on GitHub using this procedure.

Artifact Management


Synchronize the content of a source artifact repositories to a target one. You can use pattern matching to select specific artifact versions to synchronize.

Source Artifact Repository The name of the artifact repository from which to synchronize.
Target Artifact Repository The name of the artifact repository to which to synchronize.
Synchronization Resource The name of a resource used as a buffer to download/upload the files.
Artifact Version Pattern Pattern of artifact version to sync. Examples:
MyGrp:MyKey:* (all artifact versions with group MyGrp and key MyKey),
MyGrp:* (all artifact versions with group MyGrp),
* (all artifact versions. This is the default).
Batch Size Number of artifact version to process at once. A high number could overwhelm your gateways.

artifactRepositorySynchronization parameters


A procedure to delete artifact versions older than a specified number of days. Same as for jobs above, a property allows preventing the deletion. Once the artifacts have been deleted, artifact repositories and artifact caches are cleaned as well (deleting stale artifacts). A report mode prevents any real deletion.


As "ArtifactsCleanup"", this procedure deletes artifact versions older than a specified number of days but keeps only X per Artifact. Again, a property allows preventing the deletion. Once the artifacts have been deleted, artifact repositories and artifact caches are cleaned as well (deleting stale artifacts). A report only mode prevents any real deletion.

Object export and backup

This set of procedures is to help you export objects from ElectricCommander for a potential inclusion into your SCM for versioning.


This procedure simply exports your projects in a directory on the server. It is recommended to enable the nightly schedule associated with it to backup your projects on a regular basis.


This procedure brings a finer granularity to a full server export. For example, it may be easier to retrieve a simple project or procedure instead of the full server export or database backup to undo r a wrong action or a bad code change. By default it exports projects and each procedure individually. In addition by enabling the matching checkboxes, you can also export resources, resource pools, workspaces, users and groups, and with 5.x and later ElectricFlow Deploy objects (Applications, Components and Environments). It is recommended to enable the nightly schedule associated with it to backup your projects on a regular basis.

Note: Use saveProjects or saveAllObjects depending on the granularity you are requiring.


This procedure allows you to import all the .xml files in a directory. Typically those have been created with saveAllObjects above.

directory The directory where the .xml files are located.
force A boolean to pass the --force 1 option to import.
resource The resource on which to read the files.


This set of procedures is to help around schedule enabling and disabling which is very useful when you want to perform maintenace on your server.


This procedure disables all the enabled schedules and optionaly saves the list in a property.

Disable If this option is not set, only report is done. No schedules are disabled.
Schedule list property Property path used by the step to save the list of schedules disabled. Can be used by schedulesEnable.

schedulesDisable parameters


This procedure enables schedules passed as a list in a property, typically saved by schedulesDisable.

Enable If this option is not set, only report is done. No schedules are enabled.
Schedule list property Property path containing the list of disabled schedules.

schedulesEnable parameters

Semaphore Management

acquireSemaphore and releaseSemaphore:

Those 2 procedures are used to create a "semaphore" to control the access to a set of steps. In order to insure the atomicity (only one step can modify your sempahore property at any time) of the operation, you first need to create a resource with a 1-step limit.
Then you will need to create a property with a value of 0. The location does not matter as long as it will be readable and writable by the plugin.


This procedure is the "gate". It checks than you have not used more tokens than allowed. If you have, it will simly wait until some become available. This procedure is called just before the steps which access you want to control.

maxSemaphoreValue This is the maximum number of token you allow for this semaphore.
semaphoreProperty Property path containing your gate current value.
serializationResource The name of the 1-step resource to access the semaphore property.

acquireSemaphore parameters


This procedure simply "releases" of of the token for other to consume.

semaphoreProperty Property path containing your gate current value.
serializationResource The name of the 1-step resource to access the semaphore property.

releaseSemaphore parameters

License Logger

The License Logger mechanism is intended to collect and email various license-related statistics. It is implemented as a set of schedules and procedures, along with a set of configuration properties.

The configuration properties are located under /server/EC-Admin/licenseLogger/config. The property sheet is created upon promotion if it does not already exists.The following properties can be set up:

resource The name of the resource on which to run the procedures. Default is "local".
workspace The name of the workspace used by the procedures. Default is "default".
cleanOldJobs A boolean to remove old jobs so only the last one is kept for each procedure. It keeps your job history cleaner.
emailConfig The name of the mail configuration used to send report.
emailTo The list of recipients (semicolon separated) to which to send the reports.

postp debugger helper

The debugPostp is a simple procedure to help you debug with postp. Traditionally you would call postp from the command line with the jobStepId of the faulty postp and adding some additional option to see details. This new procedure does that for you on Linux and Windows, you just have to pass the jobStepId as a parameter.


The sendAlert is a simple procedure to send a message to all registered users with an email address attached to the account. You can format your email in HTML by encapsulating it in a <html> tag.


For all those procedure I'm not sure where to put


This procedure is designed for people migratimg away from ElectricCommander 4.2 to ElectricFlow 5.x or later. It will simply search in the step commands or parameters to a sub-procedure for any instance of jobId. No change will be done. It's up to the user to make any change.

projectPattern A SQL pattern to filter projects for the search.

Contact authors

License Logger
Mike Westerhof
Tanay Nagjee
Laurent Rochette (lrochette@electric-cloud.com)

Legal Jumbo

This module is free for use. Modify it however you see fit to better your experience using ElectricCommander. Share your enhancements and fixes.

This module is not officially supported by Electric Cloud. It has undergone no formal testing and you may run into issues that have not been uncovered in the limited manual testing done so far.

Electric Cloud should not be held liable for any repercussions of using this software.