A Google App Script that lets you easily access a localization/translation Google spreadsheet in JSON format. In other words, you can put together a string translation table in Google Docs, and this script will export it to JSON for you with a minimum of effort.
Make spreadsheet like this one:
Export it to JSON:
Export it to Django locales (gettext .po catalogs):
- Copy the contents of the gettext/ folder to your Django app folder.
- Edit localize-django-app.py, set SOURCE_URL to your JSONified spreadsheet URL, and run.
- Run django-admin.py compilemessages
- Restart your Django instance.
- Done.
Export it to jquery.localize styled JSON files:
- Copy the contents of the jquery.localize/ folder to wherever you're trying to serve translations.
- Edit generate-language-pack.py, set SOURCE_URL to your JSONified spreadsheet URL, and run.
- Copy the translation-*.json files to the folder where you'll be serving your page.
- Follow the instructions of jquery.localize, it should pull in the JSON translation files you've just generated.
- i.e. Something like $('[data-localize]').localize('translation');
Here's an example of jquery.localize in action.
Export it to ZIP: (work in progress)
Unavailable until Google fixes their ContentService so it doesn't mangle 8-bit "application/zip" or "application/octet-stream" output. :(
To see more info about invoking the app, go to: