
hb_worker - Number guessing for background worker process

[ Parameters ] hb_worker.conn connection string ( default : "postgres")

[ Start-up ]

  • Add the following entry to the postgresql.conf.

shared_preload_libraries = 'hb_woker' hb_worker.conn = connection string

  • Connection string to specify the connection string for libpq .

[ How to use]

  • Connect to the database that you specified in the connection string in any client . (The following shows an example of executing in psql)

  • listen for HB_CL channel LISTEN command .


  • send the number of 4-digit NOTIFY command to HB_SV channel .

$ NOTIFY HB_SV, '1234 ';

  • receive the judgment number of messages that you just supplied with the command after the next .

  • If you have made ??4 Hit, displays a message congraturations , I generates a new secret number of the background process.

(ex.) postgres=# NOTIFY HB_SV,'6315'; NOTIFY Asynchronous notification "hb_cl" with payload "4 Hit! Conguratulatoins!, next new game." received from server process with PID 17453.