
nulab cookie banner package

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Nu Cookie Banner

This package will add a fixed cookie consent banner (html box) at the bottom of the web site to meet GDPR law requirements. The purpose is to streamline the look/feel and behavior across all Nulab sites. The outcome if for the user to accept our site's cookie usage.

Getting Started

Remove old/existing hard-coded cookie prompts on the web site (if they exist)


Two options:

Up-to-date environments

$ yarn add nu-cookie-banner

UMD for older incompatible environments

<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://unpkg.com/nu-cookie-banner@[version]/dist/nu-cookie-banner.css">
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://unpkg.com/nu-cookie-banner@[version]/dist/nuCookieBanner.js"></script>


Import the package in your .js file

import { renderNuCookieBanner } from 'nu-cookie-banner'

renderNuCookieBanner('company', 'lang');


Require the package in your .js file

let nuCookieBannerReq = require('nu-cookie-banner')

nuCookieBannerReq.renderNuCookieBanner('company', 'lang')

Include styling

Must have Webpack to build to css

@import '~nu-cookie-banner/src/nu-cookie-banner.scss';


use build css
