A drupal project to let users create H5P-objects Project is to be used @Medienlabor @Universität Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany.
Provided in the hope it is usefull without any warranty.
some steps are required for a full installation
Have a webspace with PHP = 8.1 and a database and ssh-access.
Have installed:
- composer
- drush
- a working webauth-central authentication (you could however uninstall the "webauth"-module and use any other authentication)
Follow the steps EXACTLY in the given order.
Create or use any empty directory. Then:
git clone https://github.com/null/h5plabor.git .
cd web
composer install
Point your vhost to the "web"-directory
Visit your new website
Install "standard" (not: minimal)
Goto: /user and add the role "administrator" to your useraccount
Goto: admin/config/user-interface/shortcut/manage/default/customize -> delete all links
- drush cset system.site uuid b61929b4-12e6-4382-86a8-624959b78517
- drush cset language.entity.de uuid f1505574-d36f-4d8c-a8fc-88317c4ff411
- cp ../config/files/* ../web/sites/default/files/
(temporarily) change the permission of folder sites/default so that you can write in it
Copy the file default.site_environment.php:
- cp sites/default/default.site_environment.php sites/default/site_environment.php
And adjust its content
Edit: sites/default/settings.php
$settings['config_sync_directory'] = '../config/sync';
case 'dev':
$config['config_split.config_split.config_ui']['status'] = TRUE;
$config['config_split.config_split.development']['status'] = TRUE;
case 'staging':
case 'production':
Create the webauth-secret keys (see FILE: webauth-module/README.txt) and store the keys in settings.php
Create the trusted_host_patterns-setting as proposed in admin/reports/status
revert the permissionchange of folder sites/default
- drush cim
- drush locale-check && drush locale-update && drush cr
Goto: admin/appearance/settings/barrio_h5plabor Click "save"
Goto: /node/add/page Create: "Über" Seite ("About" page)
Import blocks:
- drush import-all (prompt answer is always "1")
Goto: admin/content/h5p Install desired libraries from h5p.org
Change InteractiveVideo to "div" instead of "iframe":
- drush php-eval "_h5plabor_set_interactiveVideoToDivEmbed();"
Do another reimport
- drush cim
Goto: admin/appearance/settings/barrio_h5plabor Click "save"
Create Cronjob (for example every hour):
AS described in https://www.drupal.org/docs/administering-a-drupal-site/cron-automated-tasks/cron-automated-tasks-overview
Your Site should be done.
Optional (for dev)
Create Cronjob to automatically keep Drupal up to date (and have yourself informed if an update was made):
bash web/scripts/drupal-auto-update.sh 2>&1 > /dev/null | bash web/scripts/mail_if_output.sh your@personalema.il (for example every 5 hours: */5 * * * *)