
Bridge between Injekt and Koin

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

Kotlin Build CI DUB


Bridge between Injekt and Koin.


Projects like Tachiyomi allow their users to create extensions, those extensions are able to use Injekt for dependency injection, because of that, migrating to a different dependency injection is not a straight forward process, this library aim to solve that issue and provide Injekt API for those user-made extensions to use to provide backwards compatibility.

What's Injekt?


This description is retrieved directly from Injekt's repository. The original project itself is archived in favor of Kodein, another Dependecy Injection library.

Injekt gives you crazy easy Dependency Injection in Kotlin. Although you can probably use it in other JVM languages if you are feeling lucky.

Injekt is NOT inversion of control. It is NOT some mystical class file manipulator. It is NOT complex. But it IS powerful.

Injekt can also load, bind to objects, and inject configuration using Typesafe Config. Read more in the injekt-config-typesafe module.


Add jitpack.io repository to your root build.gradle.kts file:

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven(url = "https://www.jitpack.io")

Add library to dependencies (replace HASH with whatever git revision hash you want to use):

dependencies {