
Tetris game clone for CS342 at the University of Illinois at Chicago

Primary LanguageJava


Tetris game clone for CS342 at the University of Illinois at Chicago

MIT License Version 1.0.0


The two design patterns used in this project are Factory and Singleton. Factory pattern occurs in Tetromino (Tetromino.java) and all the Sub TetrominoX classes. We implemented our tetrominoes such that the parent Tetromino class deals with all the movements and the modifications we make to the tetrominoes and the subclasses just deal with creating a tetromino with a specific spawning coordinates. Singleton pattern occurs in the Shadow class (Shadow.java). This class, whose job is to spawn a shadow of the current piece, is implemented in such a way that an instance of shadow can not be made and has static methods.

Building & Running & Cleaning

This project uses Maven as it's build system. If you would like to build and run the application from source, then the following commands will prove useful.

Compile Classes & Package JAR

mvn package

Run Main Class From JAR

java -cp target/tetris-1.0.0.jar com.tetris.Tetris

Once the program launches, you can play the game using the on-screen buttons. Alternatively, open Information > Help to get playing instructions and keyboard shortcuts.

Clean Generated Files

mvn clean

Note: This will not delete the var folder that contains your highscores.