
A python script to scan for Apache Tomcat server vulnerabilities.

Primary LanguagePython

A python script to scan for Apache Tomcat server vulnerabilities.
PyPI GitHub release (latest by date) Python pip build YouTube Channel Subscribers


  • Multithreaded workers to search for Apache tomcat servers.
  • Multiple target source possible:
    • Retrieving list of computers from a Windows domain through an LDAP query to use them as a list of targets.
    • Reading targets line by line from a file.
    • Reading individual targets (IP/DNS/CIDR) from -tt/--target option.
  • Custom list of ports to test.
  • Tests for /manager/html access and default credentials.
  • List the CVEs of each version with the --list-cves option


$ ./ApacheTomcatScanner.py -h
Apache Tomcat Scanner v2.0 - by @podalirius_

usage: ApacheTomcatScanner.py [-h] [-v] [-C] [-T THREADS] [-PI PROXY_IP] [-PP PROXY_PORT] [-rt REQUEST_TIMEOUT] [-tf TARGETS_FILE] [-tt TARGET] [-tp TARGET_PORTS] [-ad AUTH_DOMAIN] [-ai AUTH_DC_IP] [-au AUTH_USER] [-ap AUTH_PASSWORD]
                              [-ah AUTH_HASH]

A python script to scan for Apache Tomcat server vulnerabilities.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         Verbose mode. (default: False)
  -C, --list-cves       List CVE ids affecting each version found. (default: False)
  -T THREADS, --threads THREADS
                        Number of threads (default: 5)

  -PI PROXY_IP, --proxy-ip PROXY_IP
                        Proxy IP.
  -PP PROXY_PORT, --proxy-port PROXY_PORT
                        Proxy port
  -rt REQUEST_TIMEOUT, --request-timeout REQUEST_TIMEOUT

  -tf TARGETS_FILE, --targets-file TARGETS_FILE
  -tt TARGET, --target TARGET
                        Target IP, FQDN or CIDR
  -tp TARGET_PORTS, --target-ports TARGET_PORTS
                        Target ports to scan top search for Apache Tomcat servers.
  -ad AUTH_DOMAIN, --auth-domain AUTH_DOMAIN
  -ai AUTH_DC_IP, --auth-dc-ip AUTH_DC_IP
  -au AUTH_USER, --auth-user AUTH_USER
  -ap AUTH_PASSWORD, --auth-password AUTH_PASSWORD
  -ah AUTH_HASH, --auth-hash AUTH_HASH


You can also list the CVEs of each version with the --list-cves option:


Pull requests are welcome. Feel free to open an issue if you want to add other features.