
The Transaction Service is a microservice responsible for managing financial transactions

Primary LanguageGo

Transaction Service


The Transaction Service is a microservice responsible for managing financial transactions, including creating, updating, retrieving, and deleting transactions. It supports transaction types such as deposit and withdrawal, and provides functionalities like fetching transactions by user ID and with pagination.


  • Create a transaction
  • Get a transaction by ID
  • Get all transactions
  • Update a transaction
  • Delete a transaction
  • Get transactions by user ID
  • Get transactions with pagination
  • Get balance by user ID


  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • makefile


  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/nullexp/finman-transaction-service
cd transaction-service

Running the Service

To run the service, use Docker Compose:

docker-compose up --build 

This command will build the Docker images and start the containers defined in the docker-compose.yml file.

gRPC Service Definition

The Transaction Service uses gRPC for communication. Below is the service definition for the gRPC API:

// TransactionService service definition
service TransactionService {
    rpc CreateTransaction(CreateTransactionRequest) returns (CreateTransactionResponse);
    rpc GetTransactionById(GetTransactionByIdRequest) returns (GetTransactionByIdResponse);
    rpc GetTransactionsByUserId(GetTransactionsByUserIdRequest) returns (GetTransactionsByUserIdResponse);
    rpc GetOwnTransactionById(GetOwnTransactionByIdRequest) returns (GetOwnTransactionByIdResponse);
    rpc GetAllTransactions(GetAllTransactionsRequest) returns (GetAllTransactionsResponse);
    rpc UpdateTransaction(UpdateTransactionRequest) returns (UpdateTransactionResponse);
    rpc DeleteTransaction(DeleteTransactionRequest) returns (DeleteTransactionResponse);
    rpc GetTransactionsWithPagination(GetTransactionsWithPaginationRequest) returns (GetTransactionsWithPaginationResponse);

Explanation of gRPC Methods

  1. CreateTransaction: This method takes a CreateTransactionRequest and returns a CreateTransactionResponse. It is used to create a new transaction.

  2. GetTransactionById: This method takes a GetTransactionByIdRequest and returns a GetTransactionByIdResponse. It is used to retrieve a transaction by its ID.

  3. GetTransactionsByUserId: This method takes a GetTransactionsByUserIdRequest and returns a GetTransactionsByUserIdResponse. It is used to retrieve all transactions associated with a specific user ID.

  4. GetOwnTransactionById: This method takes a GetOwnTransactionByIdRequest and returns a GetOwnTransactionByIdResponse. It is used to retrieve a transaction by its ID, ensuring the transaction belongs to the requesting user.

  5. GetAllTransactions: This method takes a GetAllTransactionsRequest and returns a GetAllTransactionsResponse. It is used to retrieve all transactions.

  6. UpdateTransaction: This method takes an UpdateTransactionRequest and returns an UpdateTransactionResponse. It is used to update an existing transaction.

  7. DeleteTransaction: This method takes a DeleteTransactionRequest and returns a DeleteTransactionResponse. It is used to delete a transaction by its ID.

  8. GetTransactionsWithPagination: This method takes a GetTransactionsWithPaginationRequest and returns a GetTransactionsWithPaginationResponse. It is used to retrieve transactions with pagination support.