
Hexagonal Architecture Template for Golang Applications with Docker

Primary LanguageGo

Project Structure

This repository serves as a template for building Golang applications using Hexagonal Architecture. It includes Docker support for easy containerized deployment. Follow the instructions below to get started.

Table of Contents

  1. Project Structure
  2. Makefile
  3. Docker Compose File

Layers and Folder Structure

API Layer

The API layer contains the API definitions, including OpenAPI and Protocol Buffers (protobuf) specifications.

|--- openapi # OpenAPI specifications
|   |--- README.md # Documentation for OpenAPI specifications
|   |--- user.yaml # OpenAPI definition for User service
|--- proto # Protocol buffer definitions
|   |--- user
|   |   |--- v1
|   |   |   |--- user_service.proto # gRPC service definition for User service
|   |   |   |--- user_type.proto # gRPC message definitions for User service
|   |--- buf.gen.yaml # buf generate configuration
|   |--- buf.yaml # buf configuration
|   |--- README.md # Documentation for proto files

CMD Layer

The cmd directory contains the entry point of the application. It includes the main application file and related documentation.

|--- main.go # Main application file
|--- README.md # Documentation for cmd directory

Docs Layer

The docs directory contains the project documentation, including the directory tree structure.

|--- README.md # Documentation for docs directory
|--- tree.md # Directory tree structure

Internal Layer

The internal directory is where the core application logic resides. This includes the adapters, domain, and ports layers.

Adapters Layer

The adapters layer is divided into driven and driver adapters.

|--- adapter # Adapters layer
|   |--- driven # Driven adapters (secondary)
|   |   |--- db # Database related code
|   |   |   |--- migration # Database migration files
|   |   |   |   |--- 000001_create_users_table.down.sql # SQL for down migration
|   |   |   |   |--- 000001_create_users_table.up.sql # SQL for up migration
|   |   |   |   |--- init.sql # SQL script for initial setup
|   |   |   |   |--- README.md # Documentation for migration files
|   |   |   |--- repository # Repositories for database interactions
|   |   |   |   |--- README.md # Documentation for repository
|   |   |   |   |--- user.go # User repository implementation
|   |   |   |   |--- user_mock.go # Mock implementation for user repository
|   |   |   |--- db_handler.go # Database handler
|   |   |   |--- postgres_transaction.go # Postgres transaction implementation
|   |   |   |--- postgres_transaction_mock.go # Mock implementation for postgres transaction
|   |   |--- passowrd.go # Password handling utilities
|   |--- driver # Driver adapters (primary)
|   |   |--- grpc # gRPC server code
|   |   |   |--- proto
|   |   |   |   |--- user
|   |   |   |   |   |--- v1
|   |   |   |   |   |   |--- user_service.pb.go # Generated gRPC code
|   |   |   |   |   |   |--- user_service_grpc.pb.go # Generated gRPC code
|   |   |   |   |   |   |--- user_type.pb.go # Generated gRPC code
|   |   |   |--- README.md # Documentation for gRPC server code
|   |   |   |--- user_service.go # gRPC service implementation
|   |   |--- http # HTTP server code
|   |   |   |--- README.md # Documentation for HTTP server code
|   |   |--- model # Models used in the application
|   |   |   |--- README.md # Documentation for models
|   |   |--- service # Application services
|   |   |   |--- README.md # Documentation for services
|   |   |   |--- user_service.go # User service implementation
|   |   |   |--- user_service_test.go # Tests for user service
|   |   |--- README.md # Documentation for adapters layer

Domain Layer

The domain layer contains the core business logic, including domain models and errors.

|--- domain # Domain layer (core business logic)
|   |--- error # Domain errors
|   |   |--- user.go # User-related errors
|   |--- model # Domain models
|   |   |--- user.go # User domain model
|   |--- README.md # Documentation for domain layer

Ports Layer

The ports layer defines the interfaces for the application, separating the core logic from the external components.

|--- port # Ports layer (interfaces)
|   |--- driven # Interfaces for driven adapters
|   |   |--- db # Database interfaces
|   |   |   |--- repository # Repository interfaces
|   |   |   |   |--- README.md # Documentation for repository interfaces
|   |   |   |   |--- user.go # User repository interface
|   |   |   |--- db_handler.go # Database handler interface
|   |   |   |--- db_transaction.go # Database transaction interface
|   |   |--- passowrd.go # Password interface
|   |--- driver # Interfaces for driver adapters
|   |   |--- model
|   |   |   |--- README.md # Documentation for model interfaces
|   |   |   |--- user.go # User model interface
|   |   |--- service
|   |   |   |--- README.md # Documentation for service interfaces
|   |   |   |--- user.go # User service interface

Pkg Layer

The pkg directory contains package-level utilities and shared code.

|--- pkg # Package level utilities
|   |--- README.md # Documentation for package level utilities

Script Layer

The script directory contains utility scripts for tasks like generating the directory tree.

|--- script # Utility scripts
|   |--- create_tree.ps1 # Script to create directory tree
|   |--- fill_tree.ps1 # Script to fill tree

Test Layer

The test directory is for test-related files and documentation.

|--- test # Test related files
|   |--- README.md # Documentation for test files

Root Files

The root of the repository contains various configuration files and the main README.

|--- .env # Environment variables
|--- .env.example # Example environment variables
|--- .gitignore # Git ignore file
|--- docker-compose.yml # Docker Compose configuration
|--- Dockerfile # Dockerfile for building the application
|--- go.mod # Go module file
|--- go.sum # Go dependencies
|--- Makefile # Makefile for task automation
|--- README.md # Project documentation

Certainly! Below is an explanation of the Makefile, which you can add to your README:


The Makefile in this project automates various tasks to streamline the development and deployment process. Below is an explanation of each target in the Makefile.

Variables and Environment

  • Loading Environment Variables: If a .env file exists in the root directory, it will be included to load environment variables.
ifneq (,$(wildcard ./.env))
    include .env


  • install: Installs necessary Go modules and tools for protobuf and gRPC.
	@go mod tidy
	@go install github.com/bufbuild/buf/cmd/buf@latest
	@go install google.golang.org/protobuf/cmd/protoc-gen-go@latest
	@go install google.golang.org/grpc/cmd/protoc-gen-go-grpc@latest
  • buf: Generates protobuf files using Buf. This target is for Unix-like systems.
	@env PATH="$$PATH:$$(go env GOPATH)/bin" buf generate --template api/proto/buf.gen.yaml api/proto
	@echo "✅ buf done!"
  • buf-win: Generates protobuf files using Buf for Windows systems.
	@set PATH=%PATH%;%GOPATH%\bin
	@buf generate --template api\proto\buf.gen.yaml api/proto
	@echo "✅ buf done!"
  • run: Runs the main Go application.
	go run ./cmd
  • lint: Formats the Go code and runs the linter.
	gofumpt -l -w .
	golangci-lint run -v
  • test-run: Runs the Go tests.
	go test ./...
  • docker-build: Builds a Docker image with the name specified by the APP_NAME environment variable.
	docker build -t $(APP_NAME) .
  • docker-run: Runs a Docker container from the built image and maps port 8080.
	docker run -p 8080:8080 $(APP_NAME)
  • docker-compose-up: Brings up the Docker Compose services and builds them if necessary.
	docker-compose up --build
  • docker-compose-down: Brings down the Docker Compose services and removes volumes.
	docker-compose down --volumes
  • create-tree: Creates a directory tree structure and saves it to docs/tree.md. This target is specific to Windows and uses PowerShell.
	powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File ./script/create_tree.ps1 -path "." >> .\docs\tree.md
  • fill-tree: Fills the tree structure for a specified path. This target is specific to Windows and uses PowerShell.
	powershell.exe -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File ./script/fill_tree.ps1 -path "../." 
  • docker-network-up: Creates a Docker network with the name specified by the APP_NETWORK_NAME environment variable.
	docker network create -d bridge $(APP_NETWORK_NAME)
  • docker-network-down: Removes the Docker network with the name specified by the APP_NETWORK_NAME environment variable.
	docker network rm $(APP_NETWORK_NAME)

PHONY Targets

The .PHONY declaration specifies targets that are not associated with files.

.PHONY: dev-run install buf lint run test-run docker-build docker-run docker-compose-up docker-compose-down create-tree fill-tree docker-network-up docker-network-down

This Makefile is designed to be cross-platform, supporting both Unix-like systems and Windows. It facilitates common development tasks such as code generation, linting, testing, Docker operations, and environment setup.

Docker Compose File

This Docker Compose file defines the services, networks, and volumes required for the application. It uses environment variables to provide flexibility and reusability.


Specifies the version of the Docker Compose file format.

version: '3.8'



  • image: Uses the official PostgreSQL image.
  • container_name: Names the container postgres.
  • environment: Sets the POSTGRES_PASSWORD environment variable using the DB_PASSWORD environment variable from the .env file.
  • ports: Maps the port specified by DB_PORT to 5432 on the container.
  • networks: Connects to the network specified by the APP_NETWORK_NAME environment variable.
  • volumes:
    • postgres-user-data volume is used to persist PostgreSQL data.
    • Mounts the init.sql script to the container to initialize the database.
    image: postgres
    container_name: postgres
      - "${DB_PORT}:5432"
      - postgres-user-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data
      - ./internal/adapter/driven/db/migration/init.sql:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sql  # Mount init.sql into the container


  • image: Uses the image specified by the APP_IMAGE environment variable.
  • container_name: Names the container using the CONTAINER_NAME environment variable.
  • build:
    • dockerfile: Specifies the Dockerfile to use for building the image.
    • context: Specifies the build context.
  • environment: Sets environment variables for the application using values from the .env file.
  • ports: Maps the port specified by APP_PORT to the same port on the container.
  • depends_on: Ensures the postgres service is started before app-service.
  • restart: Always restarts the container on failure.
  • networks: Connects to the network specified by the APP_NETWORK_NAME environment variable.
    image: ${APP_IMAGE}  # Specify the image name and tag
    container_name: ${CONTAINER_NAME} 
      dockerfile: Dockerfile
      context: .
      DB_HOST: ${DB_HOST}
      DB_PORT: ${DB_PORT}
      DB_USER: ${DB_USER}
      DB_NAME: ${DB_NAME}
      PORT: ${APP_PORT}
      IP: ${APP_IP}
      - "${APP_PORT}:${APP_PORT}"
      - postgres
    restart: always


Defines the network APP_NETWORK, using the APP_NETWORK_NAME environment variable for flexibility. It uses the bridge driver and is marked as external.

    driver: bridge
    external: true


Defines the postgres-user-data volume to persist PostgreSQL data.


Environment Variables

To use this Docker Compose file effectively, ensure you have the following variables defined in your .env file:


This setup allows you to configure your services flexibly using environment variables, making it easier to manage different environments (development, staging, production).