Thread starvation

This repository comes from a good presentation of Damian Edwards and David Fowler (two awesome guys from the .Net Core team) about Diagnosing issues in your code.

Simple story:

  • One project is a little Hello world web application with 4 methods
    • Good old full synchronous execution, works but not very efficient
    • Modern app with legacy services: async-over-sync, not best but works
    • Old app code using modern apis: sync-over-async, shows dead IIS (☠) because of thread starvation
    • Full async, shows unlimited web scale

[Source code]


Howto use it

  • Open the repository folder in VS Code
  • Open two terminal windows (CTRL+`)
  • Navigate in the left to ~/Requestor
  • Navigate in the right to ~/Threading

Then you can dotnet run the web application in the right terminal and it shows Available threads and handled requests. On the left side you can dotnet run <method name> where method name is one of the following

dotnet run <parameter> comment
hello good old sync
hello-async-over-sync modern controller over old services
hello-sync-over-async ☠ can kill the server, must close terminal
hello-async scales!