A work-in-progress fantasy console designed to provide a user-friendly platform for those who want to learn 6502 assembly.
- core emulation of 6502, passes Klaus' test suite
- functional emulator
- loading binary/text files
- base emulator implementation (the console with a screen and keypad)
- interactive memory monitor
- step debugger
- code editor
- in memory virtual file system for the wasm target fork: gh/brkp/rust-vfs
- custom assembler
- custom programming language
There is a simple PoC deployed at brkp.github.io/byte, running demo.s.
[WIP]: Everything described here is intended solely as a starting point; nothing is definitive or permanent.
- 0xfd: Video Page Pointer
- This register contains a pointer to the page that will contain the framebuffer.
- 0xfe: RNG Source
- This register resets after each executed instruction and serves as a source of random numbers.
- 0xff: Input Register
- This register holds the key that is currently being pressed down.
Key mapping:
Key | Mapping | Mask |
Right | ArrowRight | 0x1 |
Left | ArrowLeft | 0x2 |
Down | ArrowDown | 0x4 |
Up | ArrowUp | 0x8 |
Start | S | 0x10 |
Select | A | 0x20 |
B | F | 0x40 |
A | D | 0x80 |