
A Ruby client for the Facebook Graph API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Fb::Core provides methods to interact with Facebook users and pages through the Facebook Graph API.

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The source code is available on GitHub and the documentation on RubyDoc.

Installing and Configuring

Add fb-core to your Gemfile and run bundle install.

Most methods of this library require to have an access token of a Facebook user. If you need to obtain one programmatically, use the fb-auth library.



Given an user access token with the email scope, you can get the user's email by calling:

user = Fb::User.new access_token: '--valid-access-token--'
user.email # => 'john.smith@example.com'


Given an user access token with the pages_show_list scope, you can get the list of Facebook pages managed by the user by calling:

user = Fb::User.new access_token: '--valid-access-token--'
# => [#<Fb::Page: id="1234", name="sample1">, #<Fb::Page: id="5678", name="sample2">]


Given a page with posts, you can get the posts on the page since creation by calling:

page = Fb::Page.new access_token: '--valid-access-token--', id: '--valid-id--'
# => [#<Fb::Post: id="1234", type="video">, #<Fb::Post: id="5678", type="video">]

Pass since (Time) and until (Time) options to get posts in between the two times.

options = { since: Time.new(2015, 05, 15), until: Time.now }
page.posts options
# => [#<Fb::Post: id="5678", type="video">,..]

Pass with_metrics: true to include post insights for the following metrics... All post types: post_engaged_users Video posts only: post_video_views_organic, post_video_views_paid, post_video_views, and post_video_view_time

page.posts with_metrics: true
# => [#<Fb::Post: id="5678", type="video">,..]

You can also combine all three options...

options = { since: Time.new(2015, 05, 15), until: Time.now, with_metrics: true }
page.posts options


Given a page, you can get the the number of likes for the page.

page = Fb::Page.new access_token: '--valid-access-token--', id: '--valid-id--'
# => 15000

Pass an until (Date) option to get the count at a certain date.

page.like_count until: Date.today - 7
# => 10000


You can also get the the number of views for the page.

page = Fb::Page.new access_token: '--valid-access-token--', id: '--valid-id--'
# => 12345

Pass an until (Date) option to get the count at a certain date.

page.view_count until: Date.today - 7
# => 10000


weekly_insights allows you to get metrics that are available weekly such as page_views_total, page_impressions, page_fan_adds, etc. Refer to metrics for a list of available weekly metrics.

This method takes an array metrics and returns a hash of the metrics mapped to their values. Each metric value is the sum of the last 7 days. If today is July 20th, then the values will be for July 14 - July 20.

metrics = %i(page_impressions page_fan_adds)
page = Fb::Page.new access_token: '--valid-access-token--', id: '--valid-id--'
page.weekly_insights metrics # sum for July 14 - 20
# => {:page_impressions => 1234, :page_fan_adds => 5678}

Pass an until (Date) option such as Date.today - 7 to fetch 7 days prior to July 14th.

page.weekly_insights metrics, until: Date.today - 7  # sum for July 8 - 14
# => {:page_impressions => 1234, :page_fan_adds => 5678}


You can get an individual metric through using metric_insights which takes a metric, period, and options (since & until). Refer to metrics for a list of available metrics and periods.

Ensure that the period that you are using is supported by the metric. For example, page_views_total (page views) is available for day, week, and days_28 whereas page_fans (page likes) is only available as lifetime.

metric_insights returns a hash of Dates mapped to values. Passing since only return dates ahead to this date (lower bound) and passing until will return dates previous to this day (upper bound & defaults to 2 days ago). Combining both options will return the dates in between.

page = Fb::Page.new access_token: '--valid-access-token--', id: '--valid-id--'
metric_insights = page.metric_insights 'page_views_total', :day # let today be August 7th
# => {#<Date: 2017-08-04> => 598, <Date: 2017-08-05> => 548}

With until (Date) and since (Date).

options = {since: Date.today - 9, until: Date.today}
metric_insights = page.metric_insights metric, :day, options
# => {#<Date: 2017-08-01> => 639,..,#<Date: 2017-08-05 => 548}


To run tests, obtain a long-term access token for a Facebook user who manages at least one page and includes email and manage_pages scopes. Set the token as:

export FB_TEST_ACCESS_TOKEN="YourToken"

Then, run rake spec to run the tests.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Thanks 🎉