Quiver Lite is the official lite wallet for Arrow. It is z-Addr first and Sapling-compatible, and it has full support for all Arrow features:
* Fully shielded transactions
* Transparent addresses and transactions
* Incoming and outgoing memos
* Full encryption for your private keys using viewkeys to sync the blockchain
The following instructions explain how to install Quiver Lite by using installers.
Double-click the
file, and drag the Quiver icon into the Applications folder.
Extract the contents of the
file, and drag the Quiver icon into the Applications folder.
If you use the Debian or Ubuntu operating system, use the .deb
package. Otherwise, run the binaries.
Run the following commands in a terminal window:
sudo dpkg -i linux-quiver-lite-v1.0.2.deb
sudo apt install -f
Run the following commands in a terminal window:
tar -xvf linux-quiver-lite-v1.0.2.tar.gz
Quiver Lite is written in C++ 14. Compile it with g++/clang++/visual c++.
* g++, clang++, or Visual C++
* [Qt5](https://www.qt.io/download).
* Rust v1.37 or later releases
sudo apt-get install qmake
sudo apt-get install libqt5websockets5-dev
git clone https://github.com/Arrowchain/quiver-lite.git
cd quiver-lite
qmake zecwallet-lite.pro CONFIG+=debug
make -j$(nproc)
Although all the keys and transaction detection happens on the client, the server can determine which blocks contain your shielded transactions and other metadata about you, such as your IP address.
Quiver Lite does automatic note and UTXO management. That is, it doesn't allow you to manually select the address from which to send outgoing transactions. It follows these conventions:
* Defaults to sending shielded transactions, even if you're sending ARW to a transparent address
* Sapling funds need at least five confirmations before they can be spent
* Can select funds from multiple shielded addresses in the same transaction
* Automatically shields your transparent funds at the first opportunity
* When sending an outgoing transaction to a shielded address, Quiver Lite uses the transaction to also shield your transparent funds (i.e., sends your transparent funds to your own shielded address in the same transaction)
For support, join the Arrow community on Discord or send a tweet to @ArrowCrypto.