Genetic Algorithm - Workshop



  1. Install dependencies: npm i
  2. Start project: npm start
  3. Open http://localhost:1234


Here are the tasks you will have to complete:

  1. Implement the seed() method, that should return a random individual.
  2. Implement the fitness(individual) method, that should return a score for a given individual.
  3. Implement the crossover(mother, father) method, that should return an array of children individuals for two given parents individuals.
  4. Implement the mutate(individual) method, that should mutate and return a given individual.

Before you start

Viewer configuration

Key Type Description
width number Width of the canvas (pixels)
height number Height of the canvas (pixels)
height number Height of the canvas (pixels)
gridStep number Size of a grid cell (pixels)
pointRadius number Radius of the "start" and "end" points (pixels)
individualRadius number Radius of individuals (pixels)
fps number Number of frames to render per second
highlightBestIndividual boolean Allows to highlight the two bests individuals
drawLosersPath boolean Allows to render the paths taken by the individuals that don't find a solution
drawFitness boolean Allows to render the fitness score of individuals
drawStats boolean Allows to render the stats on the top left corner
fastPreviewMode boolean Allows to render only the last state for each generation

Lib configuration

You can find the details on the lib documentation.

Engine configuration

Key Type Description
totalGenes number Number of genes that each individual should have
directions object Directions that an individual can follow
startPoint object Point where the individuals are spawning
endPoint object Point that the individuals will try to reach
gridStep number Size of a grid cell (pixels)
stopOnWin boolean Allows to stop the engine as soon as a solution has been found

Step by step

1. Implement the seed() method

At this step, you will work in the src/engine/seed.js file.

In this workshop, an individual is represented as an object with a genes attribute. The value of this attribute is an array of numbers, each number stands for a direction that the individual will follow:

  • 0 is north
  • 1 is east
  • 2 is south
  • 3 is west

Example: the following individual will move 10 times to the west.

const individual = {
  genes: [3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],

Here are some helpers that you can use:

Helper Description Example
getConfig() This helper returns the value of the engineConfig constant that is defined in the config file. const { totalGenes } = this.getConfig();
getRandomDirection() This helper randomly returns one of the directions that are defined in the engineConfig constant, in the config file. const direction = this.getRandomDirection();

engine.seed = function () {
  const { totalGenes } = this.getConfig();

  return {
    genes: new Array(totalGenes)
      .map(() => this.getRandomDirection()),

2. Implement the fitness(individual) method

At this step, you will work in the src/engine/fitness.js file.

In this workshop, we represent a point with an object that looks like this:

const point = {
  x: 25,
  y: 100,

To compute the fitness of a given individual, you will have to check all the successive positions of this one. For each position, you will have to calculate the distance to the "end" point, and return the best one.

If the individual is on the "end" point, please add to the individual a win attribute, with the value true. This will allow the engine to know that a solution has been found. Example:

if (distance === 0) { = true;

Here are some helpers that you can use:

Helper Description Example
getConfig() This helper returns the value of the engineConfig constant that is defined in the config file. const { startPoint, endPoint } = this.getConfig();
moveIndividual(position, direction) This helper returns a new position for a given position and a given direction. const newPosition = this.moveIndividual(position, direction);
getDistance(pointA, pointB) This helper returns the distance between two points. const distance = this.getDistance(pointA, pointB);
Solution = function (individual) {
  const { startPoint, endPoint } = this.getConfig();

  let position = {
    x: startPoint.x,
    y: startPoint.y,

  let bestDistance = Infinity;

  individual.genes.forEach(gene => {
    position = this.moveIndividual(position, gene);
    const distance = this.getDistance(position, endPoint);

    if (distance < bestDistance) {
      bestDistance = distance;

    if (distance === 0) { = true;

  return bestDistance;

3. Implement the crossover(mother, father) method

At this step, you will work in the src/engine/crossover.js file.

You now have to return an array of two individuals, each should inherit genes from the parents.


engine.crossover = function (mother, father) {
  const getHalfLength = genes => Math.floor(genes.length / 2);
  const getLeftHalf = ({ genes }) => genes.slice(0, getHalfLength(genes));
  const getRightHalf = ({ genes }) => genes.slice(getHalfLength(genes), genes.length);

  const daughterGenes = getLeftHalf(mother).concat(getRightHalf(father));
  const sonGenes = getLeftHalf(father).concat(getRightHalf(mother));

  const daughter = { genes: daughterGenes };
  const son = { genes: sonGenes };

  return [daughter, son];

4. Implement the mutate(individual) method

At this step, you will work in the src/engine/mutate.js file.

Here, you can for instance choose randomly one of the genes of the given individual, and change it randomly.

You can use the getRandomDirection() helper.


engine.mutate = function (individual) {
  const i = Math.floor(Math.random() * individual.genes.length);
  individual.genes[i] = this.getRandomDirection();

  return individual;

Bonus steps

You can use other available helpers, or write your own.

  • In the seed() method, you can prevent individuals to move to a direction that is the inverse of the previous one. The first generation would still be random, but a little bit less dumb.
  • In the fitness(individual) method, you can use the number of moves of an individual. This way, if two individuals find a solution, you can say which one is better than the other.
  • You can add the diagonal directions (north east, south east, south west and north west).
  • It could be cool to be able to draw walls on the grid, that individuals would have to avoid.

Final solution

You can find two solutions here: