
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


The aim of the tool is to execute DDL/DML on Snowflake using Python.


  • Install Python (Python 3.6.5)
  • Install Required Dependencies

Steps to use the utility

  1. Place files to be executed into input folder (Preferred format: .sql)
  2. Store password on local machine and add it’s complete location in password_location option in configExecution.properties
  3. Enter your credentials and login parameters in configConnection.properties
  4. Before execution make sure configExecution.properties fields are set to either to TRUE or FALSE (Refer Config Fields)
  5. Add filenames to be executed in text file. eg: executionFileNames.txt
    If the filenames are in different path enable full_path_provided option
  6. If variable_substitution is TRUE, Update Mapping.csv file with values
  7. Open Command prompt and navigate to extracted folder location
  8. To execute the utility once all steps are complete.
    Type the below command on command prompt.
    python snowflakeExecutor.py -f executionFileNames.txt -c connectionName
  1. You can also set default_connection & default_file_list_name in configExecution.properties and run the utility using the below command
    python snowflakeExecutor.py
  1. Once the execution is complete find result & logs code in output folder


  • This tool will not work for creation of Javascript/SQL based Procedures DDL.
  • DEBUG Logging available in Output folder in file LoggerDEBUG.log
  • To fill executionFileNames.txt you can navigate to input folder and open command prompt and type: dir /b and copy paste output in file.

Config Fields

  • sso_login = FALSE
    (Will make a standard connection (Non SSO) mentioned in snowflake_direct in configConnection.properties, if True will make an SSO connection similar to snowflake_sso)

  • continue_on_failure = TRUE
    (The code execution will continue execution even if a failure occured in any of the executed sql queries)

  • variable_substitution = TRUE
    (If true, values will be fetched from Mapping.csv, Format for variable substitution)

    Example: Input query inside SQL file: use database '&db_name'; Values in Mapping.csv: db_name,testing Output query which will execute: use database testing;

  • show_errors_on_console = True
    (While running will show FileName, Query, Query Id, Error on console)

  • append_master_csv_log = True
    (Will append MASTER_LOG.csv file with output, If set to FALSE will create a new csv file with filename being the current timestamp)

  • full_path_provided = TRUE
    (For files in different paths. Users can add full path for each in input file list)

  • split_on_parameter = TRUE
    (Will read each sql query assuming no additional splitting_parameter exists in query.
    If set to False: Will read entire file instead of splitting on splitting_parameter)

  • splitting_parameter = |||
    (Will split on given value ||| if no value found will split on semicolon ;)

  • default_connection = snowflake_sso
    (Will be used when -c “Connection Paramter” not provided while executing Script. Change the above name to any default SSO Connection.
    Make sure sso_login flag is on/off according to default connection)

  • default_file_list_name = executionFileNames.txt
    (Will use fileName set in this parameter when -f parameter not passed while executing the script. Change the above name to any default input file name)

  • password_location = home/EntirePath/password.properties
    (Set password file path in password_location)

Sample Password File
