- 0
Issue with recognizing of the TEST_CASE with more than one argument of user-defined type
#143 opened by PVeps - 1
Tests can get "stuck" and appear to run endlessly
#125 opened by jnz86 - 0
Can't use bat file as shell path
#142 opened by kuch3n - 2
Tests don't load!
#141 opened by kerimbavcic - 4
- 1
project.yml env variables support
#132 opened by WJKPK - 0
#138 opened by PurplePopo - 1
- 6
- 0
Issues with test explorer showing parameterized tests with ceedling/unity TEST_RANGE and TEST_MATRIX
#135 opened by lapo4719 - 5
- 4
Using a script for shell path
#49 opened by GrantRolls - 3
Extension says xml_tests_report is not enabled even after it is enabled
#127 opened by AaronFontaine-DojoFive - 1
ceedling 0.32 supports running single test case
#115 opened by u6bkep - 0
Add color, or colorize the Test Results panel
#126 opened by jnz86 - 2
- 1
Working project.yml is not being loaded in vscode
#110 opened by embcla - 11
- 4
- 0
- 1
- 10
Test Explorer showing "red bang" icon instead of test status - Cannot use ruby code in project.yml
#108 opened by Shayamir - 1
- 4
Migrating to native testing
#87 opened by AlexandreMarkus - 4
Remote Extension host terminating unexpectedly when trying to use ceedling test adapter
#109 opened by gabrielcobostello - 9
UNRESPONSIVE extension host: 'numaru.vscode-ceedling-test-adapter' when using ceedlingExplorer.testCaseMacroAliases
#107 opened by olowo726 - 3
Tests do not load after upgrade to 1.10.0
#105 opened by tkaier - 5
Coloured output is not handled
#102 opened by lipi - 4
- 7
- 4
Be able to use TEST_VALUE instead of TEST_CASE (
#91 opened by olowo726 - 11
- 1
- 4
Option to load report xml from gcov directory
#81 opened by NovaNekmit - 5
- 4
Test Explorer Output in Visual Studio Code : Failed to find the project.yml file. Please check the ceedlingExplorer.projectPath option.
#80 opened by AdrianWenger1988 - 3
- 0
Do not ask the user to check the ceedlingExplorer.shellPath if the problem is somewhere else
#74 opened by numaru - 1
- 14
ShellPath issue: please help me figure it out
#72 opened by embcla - 1
Test explorer UI shows wrong results
#71 opened by fj-sanchez - 1
Can't figure out how to set up debugger
#61 opened by dbak-invn - 9
- 4
- 7
- 4
Multiline test function names are not picked up
#53 opened by sanko-oz - 4
How to configure ceedling command line
#48 opened by thomasfinchbr - 1
Cannot debug ceedling program
#50 opened by emptor8 - 1
- 0