This repository contains implementations of laughter synthesis systems. And the samples used for the MOS test in [2].
For reproducibility of the ICASSP 2015 paper [1].
- The HTS demo found here can be used to replicate the results described in this work.
- The SpkB-Fr subject of the AmuS dataset was used to train this system
- For the AmuS dataset, please contact kevin [dot] elhaddad [at] umons [dot] ac [dot] be
For reproducibility of the Interspeech 2020 paper [2]:
Training process:
- The DCTTS system is first trained using the speech from Acapela, the smiled speech and laughs from AmuS (preferably coming from the subject SpkB).
- The same system is then fine-tuned using the same smiled speech and laughs of the AmuS dataset.
- The MelGAN system is used without (re-)training.
Run time:
- a sequence of laughter labels are given at the input of the DCTTS which generates a somewhat noisy waveform.
- this waveform is then passed by the MelGAN system, which generated a "cleaned" version of this waveform.
DCTTS-MelGAN implementations:
- The DCTTS implementation used in this project was: This system generates audio signals. These signals are then passed to the MelGAN system.
- The MelGAN implementation used in this project was: The model used is the models/ This will remove the artifacts and other noises that might be generated in the DCTTS system.
Concerning the data used in this work:
- The Acapela voice used is a propriatary dataset and can therefore, unfortunately not be distributed. But this system should work when pre-trained with other voices as well in a similar way as described in [2].
- For the AmuS dataset, please contact kevin [dot] elhaddad [at] umons [dot] ac [dot] be
The HTS based system was the same as the one from for ICASSP 2015 article [1] [1]
[1] Kevin El Haddad, Stephane Dupont, Jerome Urbain, Thierry Dutoit "Speech-laughs: an HMM-based approach for amused speech synthesis." 2015 ICASSP.
[2] Noe Tits, Kevin El Haddad, Thierry Dutoit, "Laughter Synthesis: Combining Seq2seq modeling with Transfer Learning" 2020 Interspeech (In press)