Get your next adventure off the ground.
See the current status of your workstation setup, without making any changes.
$ appa workstation
Install any missing setup.
$ appa workstation install
$ cd my_project
Use git to version your project source code (and other assets) and manage your coding workflow.
Is this project a git repository?
$ git status
If not, make this project a git repo with an empty root commit.
$ git init
$ git commit --allow-empty -m 'Root commit'
If your environment creates a template project with an already initialized git repo, you can prepend an empty root commit like this:
$ git checkout --orphan new_root
$ git rm -rf .
$ git commit --allow-empty -m 'Root commit'
$ git checkout master
$ git rebase new_root
$ git branch -d new_root
You can tell git to ignore files at three levels.
To tell git to ignore certain files in all projects, copy the gitignore_global file from this repo to ~/.gitignore_global. Edit as necessary. Then tell git to use it.
$git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
To ignore files at the project level, copy the gitignore file from this repo to .gitignore into your project. Edit as necessary.
You can also specify local per-project excludes in .git/info/exclude.
See also:
My favorite git tutorial:
Use RVM to manage Ruby and gems on a per project basis.
Is RVM installed?
$ type rvm | head -1 # should output "rvm is a function"
$ rvm --version
If not, see installation instructions at
To get the latest rvm (which may be necessary to install a new Ruby):
$ rvm get stable
To covert an old .rvmrc to .ruby-version/.ruby-gemset:
$ rvm rvmrc to .ruby-version
Check to see what Ruby versions have been installed and what versions are available.
$ rvm list
$ rvm list known
List gemsets
$ rvm gemset list
Create a gemset for this project
$ rvm --rvmrc --create {ruby-version}@{project-name}
$ rvm --rvmrc --create 1.9.2@appa # for example
Use Bundler to manage gems, gem versions and gem dependencies.
Bundler is best installed in the global gemset.
$ rvm gemset use global
$ gem install bundler
Create the Gemfile
$ bundle init
Use Rake to manage scripts related to your project.
Copy the Rakefile from this repo into your project.
Rake will execute the default task when invoked without an argument. One frequent candidate for the default task is to run the test suite. Another option is to list out available tasks, as shown below.
in Rakefile
task :default do
Rake.application.options.show_tasks = :tasks
Rake.application.options.show_task_pattern = //
Use PostgreSQL for all of your database needs.
Download and install PostgreSQL from the website: .
Add the Postgres binaries to your shell path by placing the postgres bin path in /etc/paths.d/postgres:
in /etc/paths.d/postgres
To allow local clients to connect to the database, change authentication for local connections from 'md5' to 'trust':
in /Library/PostgreSQL/9.1/data/pg_hba.conf
# "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
local all all trust
# IPv4 local connections:
host all all trust
# IPv6 local connections:</code>
host all all ::1/128 trust