
Responsible for building and setting up the SmartDataCenter headnode.

Primary LanguageShellMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0


This repository is part of the Joyent SmartDataCenter project (SDC). For contribution guidelines, issues, and general documentation, visit the main SDC project page.

This is the repository for building headnode images for SDC, and the initial setup and configuration of the headnode itself.

Quickstart (on OS X)

To create a VM for local development work – commonly called 'coal' (Cloud On A Laptop) – follow these steps:

  • One time only: install VMware Fusion, run it at least once to allow it to establish its initial config, quit it and run the "CoaL VMware setup" script from the sdc.git repo:

        git clone git@github.com:joyent/sdc.git
        cd sdc
  • Optionally, to automate setup:

    • create a build.spec.local file with the following contents: {"answer-file": "answers.json"}

    • copy one of the answers.json templates: cp answers.json.tmpl.external answers.json

    • see the Build Specification and Automating Headnode Setup sections below for more information.

  • make coal - this requires an Internet connection, and will download images of all services. This can take quite some time. If this fails, please see the 'Build Prerequisites' and/or 'Debugging' sections below.

  • open coal-master-TIMESTAMP-gSHA.vmwarevm, select 'Live 64-bit' at the grub menu, and work through the interactive installer referring to this documentation. Important: while many answers are arbitrary, the networking questions require specific values for local development.

  • when setup completes, you can access the headnode via ssh: ssh root@ using the root password specified during setup.

Less-quick start

There are three main build products from this repo:

  • make usb - outputs a USB image tarball
  • make coal - outputs a coal image for use with VMware
  • make incr-upgrade - outputs a tarball with scripts and tools for incremental upgrades of services on existing headnodes.

Build prerequisites

On OS X:

  • A recent version of node (>= 0.10.26, preferably latest).
  • The json CLI tool.
  • the XCode Command Line Tools [Apple sign-in required]. Alternately, any setup of the GNU toolchain sufficient to build a moderately-complex project should also work.

On SmartOS:

First you must create a suitable build zone:

  • VMAPI or GZ vmadm access to set filesystem permissions on the build zone
  • provision a zone, params XXX

Then to set up the zone:

  • A recent version of node (>= 0.10.26, preferably latest).
  • The json CLI tool.

Build Specification: build.spec and build.spec.local

Some aspects of the configuration of the build, including which build artefacts will be included in the resultant SDC installation media, are specified declaratively. The JSON file build.spec contains the default specification of all build configuration, and is versioned in the repository.

During development, or as part of release engineering, particular elements of the build specification may be overridden in another file: build.spec.local. By re-specifying a subset of build configuration in this file, the behaviour of a particular build run may be altered. A useful example of build.spec.local for local development is:

    "answer-file": "answers.json",
    "build-tgz": "false",
    "coal-memsize": 8192,
    "vmware_version": 5,
    "default-boot-option": 1,
    "clean-cache": true

In the example above,

  • "answer-file" is used to specify a setup answers file for inclusion in resultant installation media
  • "build-tgz" is used to disable the creation of a compressed tarball with the build results; instead, the resultant build artefacts will be left in output directories.
  • "coal-memsize" is used to set the VMware guest memory size to 8192MB (recommended if you plan to install a Manta test environment.)
  • "vmware_version" specifies the version of VMware Fusion to target
  • "default-boot-option" selects the default grub boot option; a value of 1 selects the second entry in the menu: regular headnode boot

Build Artefacts

Three classes of build artefact may be described in the build specification file: images, zones and files.


Images, defined in the "images" key of the build specification file, refer to specific image dataset streams (and their associated manifests) as published in an IMGAPI service. These artefacts are generally base images on which the incremental dataset streams for core SDC zone datasets (specified in "zones") are based.

For example, the sdc-multiarch image (version 13.3.1) has UUID "b4bdc598-8939-11e3-bea4-8341f6861379". Its inclusion in the build is specified with the following in build.spec:

    "images": {
        "multiarch-13.3.1": {
            "imgapi": "https://updates.joyent.com",
            "name": "sdc-multiarch",
            "version": "13.3.1",
            "uuid": "b4bdc598-8939-11e3-bea4-8341f6861379"

The "uuid" is the primary key used to locate the image in the IMGAPI service, at the URL "imgapi". The "name" and "version" keys are checked against the metadata retrieved in the manifest for this image.

The key used to name the object describing the image, i.e. "multiarch-13.3.1" above, is used to name the symbolic link in the cache/ directory that later build steps will use to find the downloaded file. The image definition above will result in the creation of two symlinks:

  • cache/image.multiarch-13.3.1.imgmanifest
  • cache/image.multiarch-13.3.1.zfs.gz

The SDC headnode installation media includes images of various core zones. These zone images are generally built by Mountain Gorilla (MG), and the resultant build artefacts are uploaded to a directory structure in Manta. Zone images are nominated for inclusion in the build via the "zones" key in build.spec.

The simplest possible example is a zone where the MG build artefact name is the same as the shipping filename, and the latest image is to be downloaded from Manta. One such example is the "adminui" zone:

    "zones": {
        "adminui": {},

Some zones are known to MG by one name, but shipped in the installation media by another (shorter) name. The MG name can be provided with the "jobname" key on a per-zone basis. For example, the "manatee" zone comes from the "sdc-manatee" MG target:

    "zones": {
        "manatee": {
            "jobname": "sdc-manatee"

Though the default source of zone images is Manta, the source may be overridden on a per-build basis with the "source" key. Zone images may be acquired from the IMGAPI service at updates.joyent.com by providing an image UUID, e.g.

    "zones": {
        "adminui": {
            "source": "imgapi",
            "uuid": "ef967904-fd86-11e4-9c90-2bbf99b9e6cf"

Images may also be obtained from a local directory using the "bits-dir" source. This is primarily used by MG when building headnode images under automation, where MG assembles the build artefacts in a local directory structure. If "bits-dir" is used, either through "source" for a specific zone or via the "override-all-sources" top-level key, the BITS_DIR environment variable must contain the path of a MG-style bits directory. See the source and documentation for Mountain Gorilla for more details.

All of the above definitions will cause the download phase of the build to store a local copy of the zone dataset stream and manifest in the cache/ directory, using the original filename of the image, e.g. for manatee:

  • sdc-manatee-zfs-release-20150514-20150514T135531Z-g58e19ad.imgmanifest
  • sdc-manatee-zfs-release-20150514-20150514T135531Z-g58e19ad.zfs.gz

Note that the filename includes the MG job name and branch. A symbolic link will also be created to the downloaded files using the short name we specified, i.e.

  • zone.manatee.imgmanifest
  • zone.manatee.zfs.gz

This symlink is used by subsequent build phases to locate the downloaded build artefact.


In addition to zone images and the base images on which they depend, the build also includes various individual files. These files are generally also the output of Mountain Gorilla (MG) build targets and are obtained either from Manta (by default) or an MG-style BITS_DIR.

Files are specified in the "files" key of build.spec. For example, the SDC Agents are bundled together in a shell archive (shar) installer. This installer is produced as part of the agentsshar MG target. The shar itself is specified for inclusion with this entry:

    "files": {
        "agents": {
            "jobname": "agentsshar",
            "file": { "base": "agents", "ext": "sh" }

Note that the MG jobname is provided via "jobname" because it is different from the short name of the file "agents". The download phase of the build will download file into the cache/ directory with its original file name, e.g.:

  • agents-release-20150514-20150514T144745Z-gd067c0e.sh

As with zones and images, a symbolic link will also be created for use during subsequent phases of the build:

  • file.agents.sh

By default, the "manta-base-path" top-level key is used to specify the base directory where the downloader will look for build artefacts in Manta. The default value for this key, as shipped in this repository, is "/Joyent_Dev/public/builds". If you wish to include an artefact that comes from a different Manta directory tree, you may specify the name of an alternative top-level build.spec key on a per-file basis.

For example, Joyent ships firmware files for specific server hardware that are not available under an opensource license. As a result, these files are only included in the commercially supported builds of SDC to Joyent customers. The firmware artefact is stored in a different (Joyent-private) area of Manta, and configured thus:

    "joyent-manta-base-path": "/Joyent_Dev/stor/builds",
    "files": {
        "firmware-tools": {
            "alt_manta_base": "joyent-manta-base-path",
            "file": { "base": "firmware-tools", "ext": "tgz" }

The "alt_manta_base" key specifies that the download phase of the build should look in the path specified in "joyent-manta-base-path" for this artefact, rather than the default key of "manta-base-path".

Alternative Branch Selection

By default, the build artefacts sourced for inclusion in the headnode installation media are from the master branch of their respective source repository. Mountain Gorilla includes the branch in names of the build artefact directories and files.

The default branch may be overridden by specifying the "bits-branch" key. The build branch for an individual zone or file may be overriden by specifying "branch" in the artefact definition. For example, to obtain artefacts from the release-20150514 branch for everything except the platform (and platform boot tarball), the following could be used in build.spec.local:

    "bits-branch": "release-20150514",
    "files": {
        "platform": { "branch": "master" },
        "platboot": { "branch": "master" }

Feature Definition

The build specification allows for the build process to be different based on a set of named features. These features can be enabled or disabled by default, and may optionally be triggered by setting a nominated environment variable when the build is run.

For example, the build supports the use of either a release build or a DEBUG build of the operating system platform image. This feature is defined, under the top-level "features" key in build.spec, as follows:

    "features": {
        "debug-platform": {
            "enabled": false,
            "env": "DEBUG_BUILD"

The feature is named "debug-platform", and may be enabled via the DEBUG_BUILD environment variable. It may also be overridden in build.spec.local by specifying just the "enabled" property. For example, in build.spec.local:

    "features": {
        "debug-platform": { "enabled": true }

Features are generally used to enable the conditional inclusion of particular sets of build artefacts, depending on the type of build.

Conditional Artefact Inclusion

Through the definition and activation of Features via the "features" key in the build specification, particular subsets of build artefacts may be included or excluded.

For example, the "debug-platform" feature is used to determine whether the release or DEBUG build of the operating system platform image is included in the build. Only one of these two platform images should be downloaded and included in the build.

    "files": {
        "platform": {
            "if_not_feature": "debug-platform",
            "file": { "base": "platform", "ext": "tgz" }
        "platform-debug": {
            "if_feature": "debug-platform",
            "file": { "base": "platform-debug", "ext": "tgz" }

The "if_not_feature" directive causes the "platform" build artefact to be downloaded if, and only if, the "debug-platform" feature is disabled for this build. Conversely, the "if_feature" directive causes the "platform-debug" artefact to become active when a DEBUG build is requested. In this way, a selection between two different build artefacts may be made based on features. Feature activation is subsequently queried during later phases of the build through the use of the --feature (-f) flag to bin/buildspec.

Automating Headnode Setup: answers.json

The setup answers file, answers.json, provides information required for headnode setup that would otherwise need to be entered by the user into the interactive installer. Particularly for local development work, it can be convenient to specify some, or all, of this information in advance. The answers.json.tmpl and answers.json.tmpl.external files provide usable examples for local development; the former configures only the admin network on setup, the latter configures an external network as well.

The inclusion of a setup answers file in the resultant installation media is controlled by the "answer-file" key in the build specification.

Debugging build failures

Build logs are located in sdc-headnode/log/build.log.TIMESTAMP, and the logs of the latest successful build are symlinked at sdc-headnode/log/latest.

Setting TRACE=true in the environment will produce verbose output from bash. If you are using bash version 4.1 or later, you can combine TRACE with these environment variables for finer-grained control over trace output:

  • TRACE_LOG: send trace output to this file instead of stderr.
  • TRACE_FD: send trace output to this file descriptor instead of stderr. Note that the passed file descriptor must be opened in the process that will fork to invoke the shell script.

The build scripts also install an ERR trap handler that should emit a simple shell stack trace on failure, even when tracing is not enabled.

Debugging setup failures

Headnode setup is run by the /system/smartdc/init SMF service, and its logs can be accessed at:

[root@headnode (coal) ~]# svcs -L init

The failure may have occurred in one of the zones being installed, rather than in the setup process itself. In that case, the relevant logs are often inside the zone (accessible via first zlogin $UUID):

  • svcs -L mdata:fetch -- fetches the user-script
  • svcs -L mdata:execute -- executes the user-script
  • /var/svc/setup.log -- the output from the setup script
  • /var/svc/setup_complete -- if this file exists (should be empty) setup thinks it succeeded

Developing for the headnode

Development in this repo is typically to alter setup and bootstrap of the system. Setup scripts reside on a USB key typically mounted at /mnt/usbkey, and are copied onto the headnode at /usbkey.

To test changes to setup procedures without a complete rebuild, you can:

  • mount the usbkey (if required) using /usbkey/scripts/mount-usb.sh
  • copy your modifications over the existing scripts
  • run sdc-factory-reset to re-run the setup process