Scalingo buildpack for Kibana

This buildpack downloads and installs Kibana into a Scalingo app image.


Tested against Kibana 7.10.2 - ES 7.10.2


To deploy your own Kibana, you've to do the following:

$ git init
$ scalingo create my-kibana
$ scalingo env-set BUILDPACK_URL=

# If you don't already have an elasticsearch instance from another app
$ scalingo addons-add scalingo-elasticsearch elasticsearch-sandbox
# If you already have the ES instance, refer its URL
$ scalingo env-set ELASTICSEARCH_URL="http://user:password@host:port"

$ echo 'web: kibana --port $PORT' > Procfile
$ git add Procfile
$ git commit -m "Prepare Kibana for Scalingo deployment"
$ git push scalingo master

That's it, your Kibana is live! You may have to wait a few seconds for it to create its indexes, then refresh and the dashboard will be available.

Elasticsearch Configuration

HTTPS with self-signed certificate

Use the environment variable ELASICSEARCH_TLS_CA_URL to specify an URL to download the certificate from

Alternatively you can add the CA to your GIT repository and configure its path with the variable ELASTICSEARCH_TLS_CA_PATH (example: ca.crt)


You may want to install plugins to your Kibana installation like logtrail. To do that, just create a file kibana-plugins with the urls of the plugins you wish to install.

Example of kibana-plugins file:

Plugins configuration

You may want to configure your plugins. To do that, just create a file 'plugins-config' with the local path of your config file and the path where this config file should be stored in the plugins directory.

Example of 'plugins-config' for the 'logtrail.json' file:



If bother environment variables KIBANA_USER and KIBANA_PASSWORD are defined, we'll deploy nginx alongside Kibana. All the requests will be authenticating by nginx before being proxied to Kibana. The latter is not longer directly reachable from the Internet.

Extra configuration

  • KIBANA_VERSION: Kibana version to install (e.g. 6.8.23)
  • DOWNLOAD_URL: Source of the kibana archive, default is:${KIBANA_VERSION}-linux-x86_64.tar.gz
  • LOG_LEVEL: Specify the logging level of Kibana. Set the logging.root.level configuration key in the Kibana config file. Options are all, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace, off. Default is info.