This is a repository that hosts two different projects:
- R script to analyze COVID-19 in Spain, Italy and France. Website with upated charts: https://lab.montera34.com/covid19
- Data collection of COVID-19 by province in spain (collected from various data sources). More info. It is currently moving as an independent project.
Este repositorio contiene dos proyectos diferentes:
- Script de R para facilitar el análisis del COVID19 en España, Italia y Francia. Puedes ver los gráficos producidos en la web que hemos montado en montera34: https://lab.montera34.com/covid19
- Los datos de COVID-19 por provincias. Una iniciativa ciudadana para recolectarlos de diferentes fuentes, en vista de que el gobierno no lo facilita. Más información. Se está mudando actualmente a un repositorio independiente.
Si vas a publicar visualizaciones, antes lee este artículo Ten Considerations Before You Create Another Chart About COVID-19. Todo poder conlleva una gran responsabilidad.
When you go to any of the scripts you can run it and it will produce all the visualizations. Sometimes data directly takes them from the source some others are stored locally.
├── coronavirus.Rproj # R project
├── analysis # scripts to process data and generate charts
│ ├── comparativa-bases-de-datos.R # R script: to compare databases: ISCII, datadista and esCOVID19data
│ ├── count_catalunya.R # R script: to process Catalunya data
│ ├── evolution_compare.R # R script: process and create plots compare countries
│ ├── evolution_france.R # R script: process and create plots France
│ ├── evolution_italia.R # R script: process and create plots Italia
│ ├── process_spain_regions_data.R # R script: process Spain by comunidades autonomas data
│ ├── charts_spain_regions.R # R script: create charts Spain by comunidades autonomas
│ ├── evolution_spain_provinces_maps.R # R script: generate map by provinces to make animated gif
│ ├── charts_spain_provinces.R # R script: create charts Spain by provinces
│ └── process_spain_provinces_data.R # R script: process Spain by provinces
├── data
│ ├── original # original data
│ │ └── spain
│ │ ├── ccaa-poblacion.csv # population per region
│ │ ├── provincias-poblacion.csv # population per province
│ │ └── covid10_spain_provincias.csv # covid19 data by province downloaded from spreasheer
│ └── output # processed data: by date and comunidad autónoma in Spain
│ ├── spain
│ │ ├── covid19-provincias-spain_consolidated.csv # exported province data
│ ├── covid19-cases-uci-deaths-by-ccaa-spain-by-day-accumulated.csv # merge all variables
│ ├── covid19-casos-registrados-por-ccaa-espana-por-dia-acumulado.csv # registered cases accumulated
│ ├── covid19-fallecimientos-por-ccaa-espana-por-dia-acumulado.csv # deceassed
│ └── covid19-ingresos-uci-por-ccaa-espana-por-dia-acumulado.csv # intensive care
├── img
│ ├── france # France plots
│ ├── italia # Ftaly plots
│ └── spain
│ ├── regions # Comunidades autónomas (regions) charts
│ │ ├── 20200312 # previous days plots
│ │ ├── 20200313 # previous days plots
│ │ ├── covid19_*.png # last plots generated
│ └── provinces # Provinces charts
├── LICENSE.md
└── README.md
Más información sobre la recogida de datos por provincias en EsCOVID19data.
Read more information at EsCOVID19data.
Data are extracted from official PDF sources by Datadista in this repository.
Del respositorio de Datadista (https://github.com/datadista/datasets/tree/master/COVID%2019) que los extrae a su vez de las tablas de la situación diaria de la enfermedad por el coronavirus (COVID-19) en España que publica el Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social (https://www.mscbs.gob.es/profesionales/saludPublica/ccayes/alertasActual/nCov-China/situacionActual.htm) en incómodos PDF. Cita a Datadista como fuente de los datos extraídos.
Los datos procesados listos para usarse (formato largo) están disponibles en el directorio data/output.
Processed data are avilable (long format) in this directory. data/output.
There is a file with all the data (registered cases, intensive care patients and deaths), see data structure below: /data/output/covid19-cases-uci-deaths-by-ccaa-spain-by-day-accumulated.csv
Data structure:
Region code (INE code number for comunidad autónoma)region
Spanish region (comunidad autónoma)country
COuntry the region belongs topopulation
population of the regioncases_registered
Number of registered cases. It is the sum of PCR+ and TestAc positive tests.PCR
Number of PCR+ positive testsTestAc
Number of positive anticuerpos (antibody) positive testcases_per_100000
Number of registered cases per 100.000 peopleintensive_care
Number of intensive care patients (UCI in Spanish). Read Datadista README for exceptionsintensive_care_per_1000000
Number of intensive care patients per 100.000 people (UCI in Spanish)deceassed
Number of deceasseddeceassed_per_100000
Number of deceassed per 100.000 peoplerecovered
Number of recoveredrecovered_per_100000
Number of recovered per 100.000 peoplehospitalized
Number of hospitalizedhospitalized_per_100000
Number of hospitalized per 100.000 people
Example of observations:
"date" | "region_code" | "region" | "country" | "population" | "cases_registered" | "cases_per_100000" | "intensive_care" | "intensive_care_per_1000000" | "deceassed" | "deceassed_per_100000" | "recovered" | "recovered_per_100000" |
2020-03-14 | 1 | "Andalucía" | "Spain" | 8414240 | 269 | 3.2 | NA | NA | 2 | 0.24 | NA | NA |
2020-03-15 | 1 | "Andalucía" | "Spain" | 8414240 | 437 | 5.19 | NA | NA | 6 | 0.71 | NA | NA |
2020-03-16 | 1 | "Andalucía" | "Spain" | 8414240 | 554 | 6.58 | 11 | 0.13 | 7 | 0.83 | 0 | 0 |
2020-03-17 | 1 | "Andalucía" | "Spain" | 8414240 | 683 | 8.12 | 13 | 0.15 | 11 | 1.31 | 0 | 0 |
2020-03-18 | 1 | "Andalucía" | "Spain" | 8414240 | 859 | 10.21 | 21 | 0.25 | 19 | 2.26 | 38 | 4.52 |
When no data is available NA
is indicated. Intensive care patients data have not been published since March 13th.
Población por comunidades autónomas del INE: https://www.ine.es/jaxiT3/Datos.htm?t=2853#!tabs-tabla
Italian data: https://github.com/pcm-dpc/COVID-19
Warning: this section needs update.
Official data from national government: https://www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/cas-confirmes-dinfection-au-covid-19-par-region/
The main source for french data is this repo: https://github.com/opencovid19-fr/data
The repo gathers data from national and regional administrations and unifies it. All the structured data is disponible in two formats:
- CSV. Direct link to CSV file: https://github.com/opencovid19-fr/data/blob/master/dist/chiffres-cles.csv
- JSON. Direct link to JSON file: https://github.com/opencovid19-fr/data/blob/master/dist/chiffres-cles.json
This is the structure:
Columns | Description |
date | date |
granularite | disaggregation level |
maille_code | code of the state, region or country (just FRA for France) |
maille_nom | name of the state, region or country (just France) |
cas_confirmes | registered cases |
deces | deceassed |
reanimation | intensive care hospitalizations |
hospitalises | hospitalizations |
gueris | recovered |
depistes | number of discovered cases* |
source_nom | name of the source |
source_url | URL of the source |
source_type | type of source |
* don't know the different with registered cases. this column is empty except for Polynésie et Nouvelle Calédonie
Regional data is in the main exit file linked above.
The data for départements is also in the main file. There is also (https://github.com/opencovid19-fr/data/tree/master/data-sources/sante-publique-france)[this dataset] to gather the data before to push it in the exit file.
This is the structure:
Input | Output | Description | |
dep | code & nom | Code et nom du département (code and name of the state) | |
sexe | -- | Non repris en sortie (this data is not used in exit file) | |
jour | date | Date de la donnée (date) | |
hosp | hospitalises | Nombre de personnes hospitalisées (number of people hospitalized) | |
rea | reanimation | Nombre de personnes en réanimation (number of people hospitalized with intensive care) | |
rad | gueris | Nombre de personnes guéries (number of recovered people) | |
dc | deces | Nombre de personnes décédées (number of deceassed people) |
Direct link to this dataset: https://github.com/opencovid19-fr/data/blob/master/data-sources/sante-publique-france/covid_hospit.csv
Pablo Rey Mazón (@numeroteca) y Alfonso Sánchez Uzábal (@skotperez)desde montera34.com.
Contact: covid19@montera34.com
En este post Análisis de propagación de COVID-19 por comunidades autónomas en España recopilamos algunos resultados y reflexiones.
This repository lives at https://code.montera34.com:4443/numeroteca/covid19 and is mirrored in Github.
If you are using these scripts or data, please let us know at info@montera34.com